SHINee/Lee TaeMin- I Thought I Lost You... (W/R)

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This is for @Kpopsuperstah
I am so sorry I took so long!!
Please enjoy! ^^

Author P.O.V
*AHHH I can't believe I'm going to meet them!! >.< OMO and it's tomorrow! I wonder if TaeMin-Oppa is as nice as everyone says he is... Pfft of course he is!! OMO >.<*
You are freaking out because tomorrow you get to go to a concert meet and greet for your absolute FAVOURITE group.... SHINee!!
You have been waiting for this for half a year... Now there are finally here!
You were so excited that you went to bed at 8:45pm and woke up at 10:30, you had a shower, did your morning routine, got changed into this sweet white short/long dress with a pink and yellow flower pattern covering the hems, you put on a white cardigan, light/pale pink scarf, you put on some light makeup and went downstairs to eat breakfast, once you finished it was already 11:30 you wanted to get there before 12:55 as the event started at 1:30, so you ran upstairs to curl the ends of your hair, once you finished you put on a cute white headband with pink dip die, you look at yourself in the mirror and smile, *perfect* you think before grabbing your bag and keys and heading to the fan sign event.

*Gosh... It's so full already... And loud... I am near the front... I wonder how long I will wait?* I think as I try to push through the excited fans,
"Excuse me I need to get through..." I say quite loudly, they move out of the way with no hassles, *that was good...* i find my seat and sit down, I wait about 25 minuets before the lights suddenly go off, everyone starts to scream, in a flash SHINee are standing on the stage, I smile and my eyes focus on TaeMin, I can't scream or move... *He just looks so perfect...*,
"KYAA OPPA!! TAEMIN-OPPA!!" I heard a group of girls scream, I cover my ears and close my eyes, soon music starts playing, it's EveryBody, I smile and watch how they move around the stage and sing perfectly, my eyes find TaeMin again...

Author P.O.V
MinJi is lost in the way TaeMin dances and sings, she doesn't notice TaeMin pointing to her, he smiles and winks at her.
After the song is over they have a Q and A type thing, where fans in the crowd can ask questions an SHINee answers but there is a twist, the SHINee members can ask a fan a question as well, soon they start,
"Um this is for Onew... Where you really that afraid of babies when you went on Hello Baby?" A sweet fan asks, Onew blushes and thinks,
"Hey Hyung?" TaeMin asks leaning to JongHyun,
"Yes? What is it?" JongHyun asks looking at the fans, TaeMin nudges JongHyun,
"Who is that?" TaeMin asks pointing to you, JongHyun shrugs,
"I don't know, just a fan... Why?" JongHyun says looking at the Maknae, TaeMin shrugs,
"I was just curious..." He says as JongHyun turns around,
"She won't just be a fan for long... I will know you soon..." TaeMin mumbles to himself, still not looking away from you.

After the concert, which was AMAZING!, it was the meet and greet, not a lot of fans got this only fans with passes, luckily you had a pass, you smiled as you made your way to the line, you were somewhere in the middle, but didn't mind, you showed your pass to the guard before he let you pass, you smile and skip down to the room, when you arrive you take a seat and wait for your turn.
After about 20 minuets it was your turn, you walked in holding your album, first was Key,
"Annyeonghaseyo!" Key says politely, you smile and bow,
"Annyeong! My name is MinJi it's nice to meet you!" You say happily, he nods,
"Wow... Such good manners!" Key says handing your album back, you two talk for a while before moving down to MinHo,
"Annyeong MinJi-Ah! How are you?" MinHo asks, you giggle,
"I'm well, how are you? Your not pushing yourself to hard right?" You ask, he laugh and shakes his head,
"No we are fine! Thank you for asking though! Bye!" MinHo says waving happily to you, next is Onew, you bow and hand him your album,
"Annyeong Onew! Your very good at leading them... Please continue to be a good influence on them!" You say happily, Onew looks up at you and smiles,
"You must be MinJi, thank you I shall try my hardest but these boys are... Well stubborn..." Onew says quietly so JongHyun doesn't hear him, you giggle and move to JongHyun, after you and JongHyun chat it's now TaeMin...

*Don't act stupid! Don't make a fool of yourself!* I say in my head, I stand in front of TaeMin and bow,
"A-Annyeong... My name is MinJi... Nice to meet you..." I say quietly, TaeMin looks up and gasps, I look into his eyes, *his beautiful brown eyes... STOP IT ME!!*
"Are you doing alright TaeMin? Your eating well?" I ask slowly, he smiles sweetly and nods,
"Yes I am! How about you? Are you doing well MinJi?" *OMO he said my name... LEE TAEMIN JUST AID MY NAME!!* I smile and nod,
"Yes, I'm doing well... Thank you for the performance... You have a lot of fans here... Thank you..." I mumble as I go to grab my album, as I pick it up I touch TaeMin's hand by accident, I feel a spark of electricity go through me, I blush and look down,
"S-sorry... Goodbye..." I say before walking back to my seat, they still have another performance, then it will end.
After they say there goodbyes everyone starts to leave, I stay seated and look up, there TaeMin is standing on the stage.
He looks like he is trying to find someone, suddenly TaeMin finds your eyes, he looks at you and try's to call your name, you stand up and go to leave, TaeMin runs off the stage and follows you, he runs to the exit and frantically try's to find you, you quietly sneak up behind him, suddenly he puts his hands over his eyes, this was your chance, you went in front of him and kissed him, he took his hands of his eyes and looked at you, you pulled away and smiled,
"Hey... I was looking for you!" TaeMin says flustered, you giggle,
"I saw that... But why?" You ask looking up at him, he blushes more,
"Well um... I fell in love with you.... Love at first sight actually...." TaeMin mumbles, you giggle and start to blush,
"Oh... Well I fell in love with you too...." You say looking at the ground, TaeMin lifts your head to look at him,
"So Jagia... You love me? Your mine?" He asks, you blush and nod, he pouts,
"Yah! I thought I lost you!" You giggle and apologise,
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to surprise you.." You mumbled,
"Good... Now I can surprise you..." TaeMin says before pulling you closer, he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you passionately, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss back, making him smile into the kiss...

So was that any good?~
Again that was requested by @Kpopsuperstah
I hope you enjoyed!~ ^^
Well...... Uhm...... Byeeeeee?~

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