EXO- Sweet Melody PT1

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Your name is ChoonHee in this ^^ but they will mainly call you Snow or Minnie!

"Hey..... Hey...... Snow?.... Hellooo?" Mel waves her hand in front of your face, you blink and look up and her with a poker face, she sighs and sits down,
"What's got all your focus today? Why aren't you reading a book? Are you feeling alright?" Mel asks, well usually you would be reading, you aren't easily interested in things or people, you always have a straight face, your a popular beauty, you are tall, waist length dark brown hair with cotton candy strips, big brown eyes, plump light pink lips and you got straight A's in school, everyone adored you, no one hates you and you didn't hate anyone, Mel was the same, she was taller than you but you both looked alike, you just didn't like talking,
"Nothing, I'm fine... I read all of my books, I'm waiting for my new shipment..." You said quietly, Mel giggles and hands you a drink,
"Here, it's your favourite" she says as you gladly except, you smile slightly,
"Thanks..." You mumble, Mel 'hmm's in return,
"Can we go to the mall today?" Mel asks, you and Mel live together, in a big mansion, yes your both rich, you and Mel have known each other since you were in diapers, she was like an older sister to you,
"Okay... But we need to be careful.... You know what today is.... I might get a little-"
"I know... Don't worry I'll watch out! ^^ I'm not that stupid!" Mel says happily, you sigh and shake your head,
"Unnie.... I meant another thing... There is a rival gang.... They don't know we are here, so we need to hide our sent..." You tried explaining, you could see her eyes widen,
"Damn your future powers... Okay let's go! ^^" Mel mumbled before pulling you out of the house, you decide to teleport closer to the town, as you lived in the woods, why? You ask, well I'll tell you.... But it's a secret!...

It was your 10th birthday, which happened to be on a full moon, you woke up and started walking, you kept running into things and braking them, your eyes went hazy, you got a stinging pain on the top of your head, you were in so much pain just by that you couldn't feel your back,
"AHHH UMMA!! What's happening to me?" You ask calling for your mother, she comes running in, she kneels in front of you,
"ChoonHee listen to me... Your changing but you need to stay calm! Okay? I promise you it'll be over soon!" She says cradling you, In about an hour the pain went away and you felt something trickle down the side of your head and down your neck, you touched it and looked at it, it was blood, you slowly walked to the bathroom and saw that you had furry black wolf ears on your head, you had fangs and you also had a tail, you slowly walked in to see your dad sitting on your bed, you sit down next to him,
"Appa.... What's happening to me?" You asked quietly, he looks at you with red eyes,
"You've become a werewolf ChoonHee, me and your mother are both werewolves, don't be afraid okay? We'll teach you how to conceal it-" you quickly shoot up, your ears perk up and your eyes turn an emerald/gold, you growl as you walk to the window, you open it and look down, soon you stop growling once you realise it's just Mel,
"dangsin-eun neugdae ingan?! (You Werewolf?!)" Mel shouts, you howl and nod, she smiles and jumps into your balcony, you unlock the door and hug her tightly,
"It.... Hurt... So much..." You mumbled into her shoulder, she hushs you as pats your hair,
"It's okay... You'll be fine.... We'll be fine..." She says lightly patting near your ears,
"Mel.... As your mother isn't a Werewolf your father has asked me to raise you, you will live here and learn about how to be a Werewolf along side ChoonHee, is that alright?" Mel growled when your father said 'Mother' and 'Father' she nods and walks into your room, she hug your dad tightly, she was like a daughter to him anyway.
After that day you and Mel would train everyday on how to control when your turning and how to turn on will, you also found out about your powers, there are 12 main Royal powers and you both had 3 of them, Mel had Wind, Flight and Water, where as you had Teleportation, Time control and Light. You still have more powers to get and you have many more now, but they are the most important. As you both grew older you turned into having Snow White fur and Mel had Caramel/Honeycomb Brown fur.

Back To Present Time!
You both walked into the mall to shop for things, you headed into the skate shop when Mel headed to the lollie shop, when you were looking around the skateboards, you get a sharp pain in your head, you grab your head,
*HeeMin? Are you okay?* you heard Max ask you in your head, your eyes widen,
*I-I can hear you in my head... Can you hear me Unnie?* you ask quietly, as the pain in your head was still to much,
*yes, I can hear you, wait there I'll go to you* Mel said quickly, just before you were about to fall Mel wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you out of the mall,
"Okay now we have another power..." Mel trailed off, you sigh and look down,
"They know we're here... We should leave..." You mumble before tugging Mel behind you, when no one could see you, you teleported back to the house, you both stayed in the house for the rest of the day, when it was night time you wanted to go into the woods, you crept outside and walked towards the woods, when you were at the fence you transformed into a beautiful Snow White Wolf, you were a perfect white that made you look like snow, as you jumped over the fence and started running you could feel a presence but soon brushed if of thinking it was apart of your gang (pack), you stopped at a river, you turned back into a human but kept your ears and tale, you looked into the water you saw the reflection of a grey wolf, one you didn't recognise, you whipped around showing them your emerald/gold eyes, they slowly transformed into a human and came closer to you, you stood there ready to attack,
"Hello, my name is-"
"JoonMyun? Right? I'm ChoonHee but please just call me HeeMin or Snow, are you in the new gang?" You ask bowing to him, his eyes widen but soon soften when you mean no harm,
"Ne, that's me, yes I'm in the new gang, were called EXO, what gang are you from?" JoonMyun asks sitting in front of the river, you smiled and sat next to him,
"I'm from Sweet Melody, I'm the leader... Since my dad passed..." You mumble the last part, soon JoonMyun is standing up and howling, your eyes widen and you shoot up,
"What are you doing?! They'll know in here!" You say frantically, soon you turn into a wolf again, you stumble and start running back into the woods, you can here someone following you, you look back and see that it's a pack, you decide to freeze time and turn human to run the last part, someone catches you in there arms, you look up to find a panda looking man,
"Don't worry HeeMin-Ah we won't hurt you! We are EXO!" He says happily, you slowly nod and unfreeze time, you look back at them and hide behind the man that caught you, your afraid of them, you have never been in so many wolves before,
*Hello Minnie~....* a sweet male voice says in your head, your eyes widen,
*i know that voice.... LUHAN?!* you see someone giggle an you run and hug them knowing it was LuHan,
"LuHan.... I missed you...." You whisper as he hugs you back,
"Yeah I missed you to Minnie~ what are you doing-"
"L-LuHan I'm a..." Before you could finish your ears and tale popped up,
"Hehe yeah that... I'm a wolf now...." LuHan moved back and looked at you again, he suddenly smiles sadly,
"LuHan-Ge what's wrong?" A man name Lay asked, LuHan shook his head,
"It's nothing, I just couldn't protect you from what I was most afraid of...." LuHan mumbled, you turned and faced everyone, you bowed and said quietly,
"Hello, my name is ChoonHee, but please just call me Snow or Minnie, I am the leader of Sweet Melody... It's nice to meet you.... EXO"

What will happen?~ ^O^
Okie hope you enjoyed the first part! ^^
I decided to put my Unnie's name in it! YHeunJiHye ^^ if you would like your name in it please just comment your name and EXO Bias and I'll put you in! ^^
Well...... Uhm....... Byeeeee?~

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