chapter four : D R E A M

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^play the song as the bg music^

YOU BIT YOUR BOTTOM LIP AS COLE ENTERED THE COLD CHILLY ROOM. He hung his head low and slowly pulled out the chair and sat beside you. The birds chirped as they flew away, silence was the only thing you heard and awkwardness was the only thing you felt.

You gulped as you fiddled with your hospital gown, the sounds of the footsteps can be heard inside the room. "so... " You started off by licking your dry chapped lips. Cole didn't spoke and just stared low, you were worried about him. He was not acting like himself.

"Y/n.." He called out your name with his deep husky voice that it sent chills down to your spine. "y-yes?" You stuttered while looking at him nervously. "I'm sorry" He croaked out as he pulled his hair in frustration? Anger? You were confused at this point, why was he apologizing?

"why? I should be the one who should apologize..if only I didn't go out then this won't hap-" He cutted you off by leaning closer to your face, you could feel something on your lips. You opened your eyes in shock. Cole pulled away and stared at you in the eyes.

'd-did he just kiss me?'

"Y/n..I'm in love with you" You let out a surprised gasp and felt something was choking you. You opened your eyes again and saw Shigaraki with his sinister grin. "I will kill all of your loved ones.. Haiba Y/n...but first I will kill you" He laughed creepily, you tried to scream but nothing came out as tears began pooling in your eyes.

"GAH!" You gasped out while beads of sweats dripping down from your forehead. You looked around the room and sighed in relief. "A nightmare..." You mumbled and tried to calm down your palpitating heart, you gripped the hospital's bed sheets tightly and took a deep breathe. The way he laughs, look and stares at you it's like he was ready to chop your head off.

But a sudden blush creeps on your face as you felt your ears were burning. You remembered Cole kissed you and confessed. "was that also a dream?" You mumbled.


You still couldn't move on from that weird dream of yours, first Cole kissed you and confessed and second Shigaraki tried to kill you by choking. That dream was the most terrifying dream that you've experienced, it felt so real. A knock on the door made you snapped out from your thoughts. "You can come in!" You yelled as the door opened slowly revealing Noie and.. COLE?!

"H-hey" You stuttered as he smiled and walked towards you as he pulled out a chair and sat beside you. Noie jumped happily in your arms making chuckled as he kept licking your face. "Noie~ You missed me that much huh?" You mumbled as you kissed his head and scratch his ear, He meowed in delight making you smile.

Cole cleared his throat as you looked at him, You blushed furiously when you remembered the dream again. Cole eyes widened "ARE YOU OKAY?!" He said as he immediately opened the bottle of water and helped you drink it. But you noticed that the water wasn't that full... Like someone drank the water before you. Your eyes widened and choked terribly as bits of water shot out from your nose.

'did he.. DRINK THIS WATER?!'

Cole immediately grabbed his handkerchief as he wiped your face, you blushed at the interaction. You nodded him takes as you fiddled with Noie's long fur. "so... what are you here for...?" You asked trying not to stutter, Cole smiled as he held your hand making you blush. "I miss you!" He said boldy, you choked on your spit when something went in your eyes.

You rubbed your eyes and before looking at Cole again.

"LEV?!" You yelled as your brother nodded with a smile. That dream is seriously haunting you right now, you thought that Lev was Cole. "I miss youu!!! There's no one to cook for me! Or bake me cookies and sweets!" He pouted as you sweatdropped.

'I must be imagining Lev was Cole... What the hell is wrong with you Y/n?!'

"Y/n!" You snapped out and looked at Lev again. "Yes?" You ask with a confusing smile, Lev furrowed his eyebrows worryingly. "I've been calling your name... are you sure that you're okay?" You nodded and gave him a thumbs up with a grin. Lev still didn't believe you but he shrug it off anyways.

"Did the doctor told you when are you going home?" You shaked your head no as Lev nodded. But then you suddenly remembered something, Jumin and Zen discussed. "so lev..." He let out a hum before looking at you with his mouth filled with sweets. When you were busy thinking, Lev spotted a basket of sweets on your table he didn't hesitate to take and eat them all without your permission.

"how do you with Zen and Jumin at Korea?" That made Lev eyes sparkled in excitement but died down when he remembered something very important to his life.. And that is.. Nekoma.

"I would like to live with them.. But sis.. I can't just leave my team behind" He smiled at you as you nodded. "Nekoma is like my second family and Volleyball is like the love of my life." He continued, you stayed silent and listened to your brother's emotional speech. "but if you want to.. You can go and I'll stay behind..I can't live without my team behind. They're the light and guide for me to become a greater and unbeatable ace!" He yelled as he raised his fist up high. You chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"You've realky grown up and matured! Who taught you this?" You laughed as Lev joined also. "Nekomata.." He answered making you grin. "damn that old man sure is like our father huh?" Lev agreed as the both of you continue talking, laughing at each other.


Shigaraki punched the wall as he glared at your picture that was slashed with a knife. You were the target and yet they let you escape. He walked closer to your picture as he stroke it before punching it again.

"next time.. You'll never escape away from me.. You will be dead next time..."

He said sadistically as he let out laugh before slamming the door close.

(check out the new published book!)

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