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The summer of 1975 was something that Regulus Black desired to be over with

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The summer of 1975 was something that Regulus Black desired to be over with. Not only had his brother abandoned him with their terrific parents, but also they had decided that in order to prove that not all of their heir was rotten, that Regulus would have to receive The Dark Mark. 

And on top of all that, his mother has this need to get rid of most of the possesions of his brother, so that was what led the young Regulus Black to wander the streets of Diagon Alley with his arms full of books. Some of the books were good as new, probably never been open once, but others were full of doodles and unmeaningless doodles and annotations. His mother has sent him to burn those books, but something inside of him made him take them to the second hand book store, maybe someone could find good use to them. 

The Lugo Second Hand Book Store, was as ancient as the streets he was walking, he had never given it a second glance, his mother would have killed him before he even dared. But he knew the family, as they were part of the Twenty Eight families with pure blood, he only knew the elderly couple but his cousins had told him that they had a son and grandchildren that lived in America. So when he stepped in the store he was actually expecting to only find the elderly couple, given that it was to early in the morning.

He was met with a really cozy store, full of the smell of books. Mister Lugo was attending a couple of redheads in the back of the store. Deciding that he must wait for the sir, he saw as a great opportunity to browse the store. However in between of the shelves he saw a beautiful girl, she had around three other books in her left hand and was picking a fourth one with her right. She blend perfectly with the books, her soffisticated face looked like a painting, and Regulus couldn't find himself to look away.

He had met the most beautiful girls thanks to his family, and yet he thought  she looked angelical in this surronding, her red lips immidiatly tattoing in his mind. His eyes lowered from her face to the books in her hands, he didn't recognise the books, the three that she had already picked in her left hand were muggle literature, and he wasn't allowed to read that, but the fourth one, he knew it so well because it was a laughing joke in the magical community. And without realization he was talking to her

"Halloween and the cultural apropiation of the magical community" The girls eyebrows lifted along with her head, looking straight to the stranger in front of her "By Mario Edwards. Not the best to read about the topic" he continued, with this new found bravery.

"When I'm search of second opinions, I would let you know" Her voice sounded like silk to the boy. It sounded almost like a whisper and yet resonated so loud inside of him. She began to turn around when her eyes moved to one of the books in the boys arms. ""Think you're escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home." She quoted in a new entonation of her voice, one that he later would find to only belong when she quoted or recited literature and poetry.

"Excuse  me?"

"Ulysses by James Joyce" with her right hand, the one holding Halloween and the cultural appropiation of the magical community she pointed to the book in the top of the pile of Sirius books

"Oh, I haven't read it" she rised her eyebrow again, and he felt his confidence wear out under the judging glare he was receiving "But...I will?" Her eyes widened in a joking way at his nervousness, she wasn't gonna admit it but she was enjoying how flustered the boy was getting "And..." 

But before he could finish, mister Lugo had seen the youngest Black and was calling to him from the back of the store, the redhead long gone. Regulus made a little move with his head, and she reciprocrated it. He made his way towards mister Lugo, with a faint blush in his cheeks. He gave the ten or so books that once belonged to his brother, but when he was gonna hand Ulysses by James Joyce, something inside him went against it. "Maybe this one not yet" 

"As you wish, young Black" said mister Lugo making a pile with the books, Regulus took the chance to look behind his shoulder towards the girl who was one again browsing, her brown hair falling, covering her angelic blue eyes and red lips. He found himself holding his breath for some reason. "Now I would sent the galleons for these to your house. It is Grimauld Place still right?"

"Yes sir." And in an impulse hi took some parchment and wrote his address, while mister Lugo made him his ticket. 

He would give her his adress, in hopes of her writing to him. He knew the chance was slim, taking in account that she didn't look that enthusiastic while talking to him.

He walked with Ulysses in his right hand, placing the book against his chest, his other hand was holding the piece of paper. The breath he was holding was heavier with every step.

Was this what having a crush felt like? Because he wasn't so sure about liking it that much. It made him feel kind of stupid, and a Black never feels stupid.

And as if the universe was making fun of Regulus, it proved to him that he can feel even more stupid. He walked with his elegance towards the angelic girl but his feet got trapped in a pile of books, making him fall and take down the girl

The fell, surrounded by yellow looking books, it was as if time slowed, well, at least it was until they hit the ground.

"I'm so terribly sorry" he said trying to grab the books of the ground.

"Don't worry" she said silently also picking the books.

He saw the purple cover of Halloween and the cultural appropriation of the magical community and decided to better slip his address in the pages of the book. He stood with her books in his hands and gave them to her

"When you're in need of a second opinion don't doubt in reach me" he said and with a polite nod, left the store and the girl behind.

The angelic girl with a smirk.

𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓱𝓾𝓷𝓽 {Regulus Black]Where stories live. Discover now