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Of course, she didn't write back

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Of course, she didn't write back.

Regulus soon find himself letting go of the memory of that angelic girl. After all, that day he was particularly out of character. He was thankful that no one of his friends was there to witness his clumsy ways.

The day was September first, meaning all the students of Hogwarts were going back to the castle for another year of learning.

And it was the first time that Sirius Black wasn't skipping with excitement to go, because finally his life outside the castle was equally as enjoyable. Living with the Potters surely made him the happiest version of himself.

"Don't forget to write us as soon as you can" Euphemia  Potter said while adjusting his son's hair, well it was more like trying, as James hair could never be tamed.

"And please, try not to break anything so soon into the year" added Fleamont

The family bid their goodbyes and the young boys made their way through the crowded 9 3/4 Station. As always it was packed with loving families saying goodbye to their kids, and friends reuniting after the long vacations. But not even the amount of people could help Sirius Black to not catch sight of his brother.

Regulus looked straight to his parents, his face emotionless, while they were talking to him. 'Probably telling him to be away of the filth ' thought Sirius, disgust in his face, as he finally moved his glare. After all, they weren't his family anymore. He was a Potter now.

The Marauders compartment was almost at the end of the train, everyone knew that the trouble quartet always sat there, and that their talks were always private. Not like they said anything bad, but they were full of inside jokes that no mortal could understand.

James and Sirius were the first ones in the Marauders carriage, which was weird. Peter was always there first, his mother could never let him be late.

"Seems little Wormy stayed in bed" James broke the silence while lifting his trunk

"Or lost himself in a candy shop again"

Sirius extended his legs in the seat in front of him, getting relaxed, the sight of this parents had put him tense, but now he could let go again. Well, that was the plan until Remus Lupin came running through the hall and opened the compartment very harshly.

He looked dishelved, his face looking agitated, and his chest falling rather quickly. And Sirius couldn't help his mind to drift at how good he looked

"Wormy has a crush!" James and Sirius looked at the boy, their interest being picked by that sentence. In the six years of friendship Peter Pettigrew had never had a crush.

"Do not!" The screeching voice of Peter came to their ears from the hallway. He looked like he had run miles to no end. His chubby face was flustered red. Either from running or because of the girl

𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓱𝓾𝓷𝓽 {Regulus Black]Where stories live. Discover now