Chapter 11 - Night Owl.

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Princeton had went to the bank, and withdrew his check from his PayPal. He drove back to Roc’s house, and walked in. There, he seen Sonya breastfeeding Chresanto Jr. He was more in shock of the fact that he seen one of her boobs out.

“What the hell are you doing?” Princeton shouted as he walked inside. Sonya jumped as she stared at him in shock.

“I’m uuhh, i’m feeding the baby!” She shouted back.

“You’re supposed to feed him using the bottles in the fridge!”

“No. (Y/N) told me to breastfeed him!” Sonya lied in an outburst.

Princeton gave her a weird look from the comment.

“Well you see, (Y/N) didn’t want the baby drinking out of bottles yet.” She continued. “She wanted her to get natural milk from a woman’s breast. Not from bottles.”

“What?” Princeton said in a smart tone. “Why would she tell you to do that?”

“I don’t know.” She said shrugging her shoulders as she continued to feed the baby. “Ask her!”

Princeton watched Sonya as she carefully took her nipple out of the baby’s mouth, and burped him. She pulled her shirt back up then laid him onto a blanket on the couch, and washed him up with a baby rag, and some warm soapy water in a bowl. She then put on a new set of pajamas, and looked at the baby as he slowly opened his eyes.

“All better little Chresanto?” She said, nearing her face close to his.

“Well, I think that I should give him-“

“I got this. Don’t worry.” Sonya said, snapping at him.

“Alright.” Princeton said, holding his hands up, and leaning back into the couch. “I guess i’ll just let them know that you did all of the work.”

Sonya thought about it. She wanted to keep the baby and do everything with him, but she didn’t want Princeton to slip up with the breastfeeding comment. She handed the baby to Princeton, and stood up.

“I guess you can take him for a while. Since i’ve been hogging him.” Sonya sighed. Suddenly, Princeton’s phone vibrated. He looked down, and seen that it was a text message from Roc.

“Roc just texted me and told me that I could leave if I wanted to. He’ll be here between 30 - 35 minutes.” Princeton said getting up, and handing the baby to Sonya. “I guess you can take him back.”

“Okay then.” She smiled. “I’ll see you later, Prince.”

“You have a good day.”

Sonya watched Princeton leave the house, then took the baby into the guest room. She laid Chresanto Jr. into her bed, and put his pacifier in his mouth. Only one day of being out of the hospital, his facial features were beginning to become obviously different.

Suddenly, Sonya’s phone started to ring. She looked at it, and it was Michael.

“Michael, what do you want?” She growled.

“You call yourself getting off moving out of your house, huh?” He laughed. “Do you really think that i’m not going to be able to find your ass?”

“Michael, you need to stop.” Sonya said in a shaky tone. “Just leave me alone! I have a baby to take care of.”

“What do you mean you have a baby to take care of?” He said in an angry tone. “You done went off and had a baby with that boy ‘Roc’ or whatever his name is?”

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