Chapter 1: Hey, We Won.

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     A/N: I don't really know how emancipations work but for the sake of this story let's pretend the Government is nice :)

(Note: F/A = Favorite Animal)


     I was sitting in a simple, cold room. I was freezing. I looked around the small, dainty room. There was only a simple mahogany table and two chairs. Pens in the middle of the table. The white light bounced off the white walls harshly. I tried to clear my mind and focus on the fact that I'm free from my parent's grasp, but I couldn't. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw my father's face and his deathly cold stare. I was agonizing over it until there was a knock on the door. The door opened, and I saw the social worker who was working on my case since 6 months ago. He smiled at me and sat down in the chair next to me.

     "Congratulations on winning the case Y/N" I gave him a small smile showing that I, in fact, heard him and appreciated his congrats. "We already went over how things were going to go if you won the case. Now we have to do some boring paperwork." I was eagerly listening. I wanted to go... home? Is home the right word? "We basically just want to know where you'll be going, who you plan to stay with, which would be the Tsukishima family if I remember what we discussed already, and an agreement to give a monthly welfare report so we can make sure you're doing alright." He smiled at me and I returned the gesture. I like my social worker. He was a sweet, kind, older gentleman who I could tell worked with a lot of kids in my position before, cause he knew how to handle my fragile self perfectly.

     Hours passed by like minutes when we were doing the paperwork. I was going to live in Miyagi, Japan to live with my best friend, Tsukishima Kei. I've known Kei for years now. My parents and I used to live in Miyagi before the big move to the U.S, Kei and I were 5 back then, but we never forgot each other. We obviously couldn't keep contact as 5-year-olds, but in Middle School when I got my first phone and started my social media accounts, he found me and we've been best friends ever since. I was there for him when he felt hurt at his brother lying to him and he was there for me whenever my parents had meltdowns towards me. We've been planning this ever since we were 12. He was so determined to get me out of my situation, and it worked.

     "Y/N?" my social worker snapped me out of my thoughts and back into the reality of the cold, bland room. "Are you okay? Did you hear what I said?" It startled me at first, but then again, everything startles me. "Um... No, I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" you mumbled. "It's okay, I understand you're still a bit out of it, we'll get you a ticket to Japan. The plane will land in Tokyo and there will be a social worker there that will bring you to the Tsukishima household. You must go home and get your things, but don't worry, they won't be there, okay?" He wrinkled his nose at the thought of my parents, I could tell that he didn't like them either. "Your plane leaves tomorrow at 3 pm."


     I was loading the last of my things into the back of the car; I didn't have much, but for once I was glad that I didn't, less work. I took one last look at the hellhole of a house. So many memories, all of them bad. Sighing, I took out my phone. I had yet to call Kei and tell him the news. I was nervous. What if he told me they didn't want me there anymore? Where would I go? Being stranded in Tokyo wasn't the ideal outcome to this. Calm down, I thought, Kei wouldn't do that to you. Yeah, he can be a jerk, but he's not cruel. "Are you ready to go?"  I turned around to see the officer who drove me here, I took one last look at the hellhole and nodded. 

     I got in the backseat and looked out the window. It was getting dark, which meant Kei would be up soon. I thought about everything that was happening now that I had a moment of peace to myself and no paperwork to do. 16 and already I'm being thrust into the great big world. I had conflicting feelings. Fear, Happiness, Nervousness, Relief. Everything was running through my head at a million miles a second. So many things to do. Call Kei, fly to Tokyo, go to the Tsukishima's, unpack, get enrolled in a new highschool, and try not to die in the process. 

     I was pulled out of my thoughts when we arrived at the hotel I'd be staying at for the night before my flight to Tokyo. It wasn't huge, but it for sure was cleaner and fancier than anything I've ever seen before. Unloading my things, the officer gave me a keycard with a room number on it and gave me a soft smile "You're an adult now" he said "If you want any help with your bags I can help" I politely declined his offer, the only luggage I had was a big F/C suitcase with a big F/A cartoon on the front that Kei got me for my birthday one year and a small plaid bag with my nicknacks and things like that inside. 

     I walked down the nicely carpeted hallway to my room. Room 404. I fiddled with the keycard before swiping it and opening the door. I gasped. The room was way bigger than anything I've ever seen. The bed was huge, there was a T.V on a stand, a mini kitchen, and a desk. I didn't register the enormous smile on my face until I noticed the mirror next to me; I laughed at the look on my face and jumped on the bed. I was so happy I could cry. Then I remembered that I had to call Kei. Pulling out my phone, I looked at the time. He should be up by now. Going through my phone, I clicked on the contact with the dinosaur picture and called Kei.

     I waited and waited. It was ringing for a while until the grumpy Kyojin answered. "Neeeh... What did you wake me up for?" I giggled at him. He must've been tired if he answered my call with Japanese, so I messed with him. In my best southern accent I answered "Woah there partner... that ain't how your supposed to answer the phone towards your best bucko" the line was silent. All I heard was him sigh and I couldn't contain my laughter. While laughing I heard the Kyojin say, "Ugh, you're so unfunny, what did you call me for, for real?" this time he was speaking English. I stopped laughing and remembered why I, in fact, called the megane kyojin. "I um..." all my anxiety was coming back, I took a deep breath. 

"Hey Kyojin... We won..."

"You won...?"


Ahhh!! First chapter!!! I'm so happy with it, uwu.

Ahhh!! First chapter!!! I'm so happy with it, uwu

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