Chapter 6: 流れ者

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      I said goodbye to Kei and Yamaguchi and walked in my class. I felt a couple of stares, but I ignored them and sat at my desk. "Hello Y/N-chan!" Hitoka greeted me, "Morning!" I waved back.  We talked back and forth a bit about random things, animals, music, memes, the usual. "So, Y/n-chan, have you chosen a club yet?" Hitoka questioned, "I haven't thought about it much, nothing has really caught my attention." Hitoka nodded in understanding, "I get it, I wasn't a club person either until Kiyoko-senpai offered the manager position." The bell ringing pulled us out of our conversation as Yamada-sensei walked in. He took attendance and started class as normal. Things went smoothly, I understood him better than I did yesterday and the lesson was easy enough. 

       I stared out the window as a piece of paper landed on my desk; I looked around the room curiously, but everyone was looking either at their papers or at our sensei. I shrugged and opened the mysterious note. I was taken aback when I saw some messy handwriting, Guess it's not from Hitoka... I strained my eyes to read the slop. 

I'll make sure you regret coming here, 流れ者

(流れ者-Stranger or foreigner.)

      I frowned at the mysterious, sloppy letter. I felt a pit in my stomach but decided it was best to ignore it. What were they going to do? Send me back? I laughed at my conclusion and stuffed the note in my bag before Yamada-sensei turned around. The rest of class went normal, but that little voice in my brain was telling me to worry, trying to ignore it, I doodled on my worksheet. 


      When the bell rang for lunch, Hitoka and I went to the courtyard to eat. Kei and Yamaguchi tagged along and we were all joking and laughing, besides Kei of course. "Y/N-chan, are you going to come to practice today too?" Yamaguchi asked me. "Well, I would, but I don't want to be a bother to you guys..." I chuckled nervously. Kei then suddenly flicked my forehead, causing me to wince and sooth my pain by rubbing my forehead. "Hey! Nii-san!" I whined, glaring at the blonde. "Tsk. Your never a bother, don't say stupid things like that and I won't flick you." He sternly remarked. Hitoka and Yamaguchi snickered at us while Kei and I bickered back and forth. "Man, It's like you guys are really brother and sister." Yamaguchi laughed. That caused Kei and I to stop and look at him, Kei giving him a glare. "Wait, your really not related by blood?" Hitoka asked. I shook my head, "Nope, but we've known each other for yeaarrs. That's why we have different last names." Hitoka nodded in understanding, "I was always curious about that, but I didn't want to be rude by asking." She scratched the back of her head. "Just because we aren't related by blood doesn't mean we're not brother and sister." Kei abruptly stated. 

      I looked up at the blonde, eyes full of happiness. "Right, right, gomen Tsuki." Yamaguchi said. Kei looked back at me, and without changing his face or anything, I could tell that he wanted me to confirm his statement. I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, the Tsukishima's are my family." The two friends in front of us aww'ed and Kei gave me a slight smile. Kei then poked my forehead and went back to his monotone manner, "Now eat, Kaa-san will have a fit if you arrive home with food still in your bento." I snorted and went back to eating. "Y/N-chan! You never answered Yamaguchi-san's question!" Hitoka spoke up. I looked up at her with a mouthful of food and nodded a yes. Hitoka threw her arms around me in an embrace, "Yay!" She exclaimed. Kei scoffed at her outburst while Yamaguchi laughed. 

      We cleaned up our mess and headed back to our classes, this time when I got back to my desk I saw another note. A bit worried and scared, I picked it up. "What's that?" Hitoka asked. Quickly, I put it in my skirt pocket and nervously laughed, "Haha... nothing." Hitoka raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "Well, okay then." We sat in our seats, waiting for the bell to start class again when the door slid open as one of my peers looked at me. "Y/N-san, a second year is looking for you." She mumbled. I nodded and stood up from my chair. Admittedly confused. What second year wants to talk to me? I walked out the door and turned my head to the left to see a bright smiling Nishinoya. I blinked and burst out in nervousness. "Hey Y/N-chan!" He cheered. I gulped and waved at the energetic noirette. "Are you coming to practice again today?" I simply just nodded a yes, not able to form any words, in English or Japanese. He lit up even more, which I didn't even know was possible. "Great! Can you stay after for so we can practice? I'll walk you home afterwards." The amount of red my face had at this point was ridiculous. "Ah-um" I started, Just say yes you idiot! "Y-ye.." IN JAPANESE. "はい。" (Hai-yes) I choked out. Nishinoya grinned at me. "Awesome! Can't wait!" He exclaimed, and he waved goodbye to me and ran off. 

      I stood there, dumbfounded, while simultaneously looking like a whole tomato. I jumped when Hitoka tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a small smile. "Woah! Hey Y/N-chan, you okay?" She said. I calmed myself down and took a deep breath. "Yeah... Yeah I'm fine." I sighed. Hitoka quirked an eyebrow, "Who wanted to see you?" I looked down and scratched the back of my neck nervously, "N-Nishinoya-senpai..." Hitoka's eyes lit up and she gave me a smirk. "Your blushing!" She squealed, I stuttered over my words. "N-no I'm n-not!" Hitoka just giggled some more and teased my about the second year. The bell saved me from anymore torture as we went back to our seats. Starting class. 

      I drifted into my own thoughts, thinking about a certain, short, cute, second year. I kept thinking about the way he smiles at everything, or how his blonde tuft gracefully bounced when he did, or how he calls me Y/N-chan. I felt more blush on my face as I thought about him. Gosh Y/N, you've only just met him... I thought. "Y/N-chan!" Hitoka whisper-yelled to me, pulling me away from my daydreams. I jumped and turned towards her, "Wha-um yes? Did you say something?" I asked her. She chuckled, "While you were dreaming about Nishinoya-senpai, I was asking of you wanted to be my partner on the science project." I contorted my face in confusion, "We... we have a science project?" I asked. Hitoka laughed again, "Wow, you were really deep in that daydream, huh?" She nudged me with her elbow and I tsk'ed at her teasing. "No!" I exclaimed. Yes...



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