Chapter 2: Warm and Fluffy

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(A/N: The picture shown above is the layout of Y/N's new room! Just pretend the walls are your favorite color and the style of the wood fits the Tsukishima's house better qwq.)

I groaned as I got off the airplane. Sitting on a cramped plane for 13 hours, falling in and out of sleep, while having all this anxiety isn't fun. Not to mention the kid who kept crying. Stretching and cracking my back as I went out the gate, I started towards the baggage return. I missed how clean everything in Japan is, it's like if you were in heaven, a spotless heaven. In fact, I forgot how much I missed everything. The cleanliness, how friendly most people are, and the smell of... wait... I shot my head towards the source of the delicious smell. In big, bright letters. 

 ぱんやさん. (Panyasan-Bakery)

Baggage can wait, I need some Melonpan*.  (A/N: Type of Japanese sweet bread*)


     I eventually arrived at the baggage claim, Melonpan in my hand, and a satisfied grin on my face. I saw a lady with my bags and a sign with my name on it. That's most likely the social worker that's going to bring me to Kei's. I walked up to her and we both bowed and greeted each other "Nice to meet you" she stated, "I'm Yuko, I assume you're (Y/N)?" I nodded and introduced myself back "Yeah, that's me, It's nice to meet you Yuko-sama" She smiled at me "You speak Japanese pretty well, that's good, it makes things easier" she returned me my luggage and led me out the airport towards a fancy black car. "So, we'll take you to the Tsukishima's and we can discuss some more elements there" I groaned at what she added "More paperwork?" I asked, she giggled "not that much, don't worry" she gave me a sweet smile as I got in the car, I took out my phone and texted the Kyojin. 


(Y/N) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ: I'm in Tokyo, coming to snatch you up

Kyojin: Okay, I'll tell mom 

Kyojin: How was the flight?

(Y/N) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ: 13 hours in a cramped flying machine isn't fun

(Y/N) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ: I'm so tired and jet-lagged

(Y/N) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ: I need sleep ب_ب

Kyojin: Well, we already set your room up, so after dinner, you can crash


     I smiled, they already have a room for me. Yuko-sama saw my huge dorky smile in the rearview mirror, "I've met them previously, they're excited to have you with them." I nodded at her words, got comfy in my seat, getting ready for another 2 hours of sitting. It's been such a long day. I know once I hit a bed I'll be fast asleep, but then again, I should wait until it's night time so I can get rid of this jetlag easier. Yeah, that's the best idea. I thought about Kei's Okaa-sama, how she would always butt in on our conversations to tell me that everything would be okay and she'd see me in her arms soon. I don't know why Kei's Okaa-sama is so lovely to me, maybe it's because she only had boys and she wants a girl that she can smother, since I know Kei isn't what you would call an affectionate person. I remembered that whenever we talked, it just felt natural like I was actually her Musume (daughter). 

     Kei's text tone played, and I looked at the message he sent me. 

Kyojin: I told her the news.

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