Chapter 4: Umetoka-chan

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A/N: Yachi is adorable, I love her ●ᴥ● Hm/C = Home country

     "My anxiety is already through the roof..." I mumble while looking in the mirror. It was my first day at Karasuno. I don't know why I felt so unprepared, I felt prepared yesterday... I have all my supplies, I have indoor shoes, I reviewed my Japanese with Kei, I'm more prepared that I need to be. Despite all the nerves, I had to admit, the uniform was cute. Although I didn't wear a uniform to school most my life, I didn't feel bitter towards it. I fiddled with the tiny red bow as I walked out my room with my bag over my shoulder. Suddenly, a bright flash blinded me, catching me off guard. I looked up to see a grinning Kaa-san with a camera. "You look adorable!" she squealed. I rubbed the back of my neck, "Thanks okaa... I mean Kaa-san." I smiled at her. Kaa-san requested that I call her that, she claimed it'll make things feel more natural since I already got in the habit of calling Kei 'nii-san'. He always told me it sounds too childish, but I could tell that he liked the name by the slight grin he has every time he hears me call him that, and that he still lets me call him that in the first place. "Okay! Now smile!" The camera clicked as I posed. Kaa-san laughed when she looked at the picture, "What a unique pose." she smiled. "What do you want for breakfast? We have miso soup with rice, we also have fruit, and I think there's still some of Kei's melonpan if you want that." Her offer surprised me, My biological mom never offered me breakfast before school... Kaa-san turned and when she saw my surprised face, she gave me a sympathetic smile, as if she read my mind. "A good mom makes sure her kids eat." she declared. I gave her a small grin, "Homemade miso soup and rice sounds nice..." 

     Not long after, Kei came downstairs in his uniform. He opted for just an apple for breakfast, weirdo. "Nii-san..." I got Kei's attention, "I'm in class 1-5 right? What class are you in?" I tilted my head slightly, "I'm in 1-4." he answered nonchalantly. I blinked, "What! I'll never survive..." I groaned, plopping my forehead on the dining room table. Kei rolled his eyes, "Tsk, my class is right next to yours, you'll be fine. Don't worry too much about it." Starting school again was terrifying. Kei was like my rock. A tall, grumpy rock. Without Kei I felt like I was floating in space and at any second, someone would cut my oxygen off. Kei turned to me, "Hey, pale face," he called, "You'll be fine, okay? I'll be right next door. If anything happens, I'll be there. Now stop looking like a ghost or you'll scare everyone away." I pat my cheeks a bit, trying to snap myself out of it. I didn't realize I was THAT pale until Kei 'gracefully' pointed it out. I sighed, "Okay. we should probably get going, I don't want to be late on the first day." Kei nodded, agreeing. We said goodbye to kaa-san with hugs and walked out the door. 

     We walked towards the end of the street and waited for Yamaguchi. I was bouncing up and down, excited, finally getting to see my other best friend. Kei put a hand on my head, stopping me from my continuous bouncing. "Will you please calm down? It's not like your meeting the mayor." Kei sighed, a bit annoyed. Just then we shot our heads up when we heard someone yell "BEST FRIEND!" Yamaguchi ran down the sidewalk, arms stretched out for a hug. He swooped me up and jumped up and down. He eventually put me down, and I could finally hug him back. "You're taller than what I expected." I started, "Why am I always the short one?" Pouting, Kei smirked and Yamaguchi laughed. "Sucks to be you, huh?" Yamaguchi teased. I punched his shoulder. We continued towards school, Yamaguchi and I talking the whole way while Kei listened to his music. "Yama-san, what do you think Kei listens to all the time?" I asked the freckled boy, he smirked "Welll...I heard Disney music coming from his headphones one day." Yamaguchi whispered, afraid Kei would hear him. I burst out in laughter, holding my stomach "OH- I CAN'T BREAATHHEE." I wheezed and Yamaguchi was laughing along with me. Kei took off one of his headphones and looked at us, confused. "What's so funny?" he asked. "NOTHING!" Yamaguchi and I said in unison. Kei looked at us like we were crazy and went back to his music. Yamaguchi and I just giggled. "Do you think it's The Good Dinosaur soundtrack?" I whispered to the green-haired boy, "Oh, definitely" He answered back.

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