Part 3

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Jungkook's pov

I woke up with a painful boner from having a wet dream of master chocking me while fucking me with me sucking kitten's cock hard and fast. I was trying to figure out how to fix my problem but the only choice was to ask master or kitten. I tried waking up master but he kept saying "leave me alone and use a pillow!" Master knows pillows don't help my make me even more horny. So I went to ask kitten luckily kitten was downstairs (Jimin likes to wake up early).

Kitten : Good morning my cute adorable bunny.

Me: Good morning K- kitten

Kitten : Why did you wake up so early for? You usually sleep in?

Me: O-Oh umm I-I h-had a w-w-w-wet dream...

Kitten : Aw do you want Kitten to help you?

Me: Yes please.

Kitten : Ok baby bunny now let's go upstairs to my room.
Third person's POV
Jungkook and jimin made it into Jimin's room.
Jimin: Babyboy go strip and lay down on the bed.
Then Jungkook quickly stripped of all of his clothes and laid on the bed while watching jimin stripping too.
Jimin: What do you want kitten to do?
Jungkook: I-I want kitten to f-fuck bunny until bunny can't walk for a week.
Jimin: you got it bunny.
Then jimin went between Jungkook's leg and teased Jungkook by only putting his tip in, Jungkook HATES being teased.
Jungkook: KITTEN wh-what are you doing?! FUCK meeee!
But jimin kept on teasing...
Jungkook: Kitten come onnn fuck bunny your fat cock, make bunny scream to let everyone know who I belong to!
Jimin: Enough slut!
Without warning jimin slammed into Jungkook making Jungkook scream.
Jimin: Ah s-slut is sooo tight!
Jungkook: m-ah my name is-ah bunny not s-slut!
Jimin: Yes it is your name is  slut you always want your greedy hole to be filled up and looking for ways to get master and me to give you sexual attention.
Jungkook: n-no and it's BUNNY!
Jimin: That's it I'm done helping you, no cumming for you slut until master wakes up and punishes you!
Jungkook: n-no no punishments please I'll be a good little slut!
Jimin: Ok I'll give you another chance.
Jungkook: What do you want your slut bunny to do?
Jimin: Slut bunny will go to sleeping master and hump his thighs until he cums.
Jungkook: Ok, will you let master know about what we did?
Jimin: he might wake up when you cum on him but I will and I'll tell him it was mommy kitten's idea.
Jungkook: Ok now let's go to masters room.
Then Jungkook and Jimin went up to Taehyung's room and Jungkook went in the room leaving Jimin outside of the room watching Jungkook.
When Jungkook got inside he went to take off the blankets and spread Taehyung's legs a little so he could have space to put his leg in between. Once he got in his position he started to hump Taehyung's leg and within seconds Taehyung started to wake up.
Taehyung: mmm b-bunny w-what?
Jungkook: Ah- I'm being a good slut bunny and listening to mommy kittens order.
After what Taehyung heard he got  hard.
Taehyung: s-slut bunny?
Jungkook: Ah yes fuck! Jungkook said still humping Taehyung's leg.
Taehyung: answer the question!
Then Jimin walked in.
Jimin: I was  calling him a slut because he was acting like one, then he said he liked bunny but I kept calling him slut then he came up with slut bunny so here we are with this name.
Taehyung: oh ok, kitten get the lube from the lube drawer then come and lay down on the bed.
Jimin: Ok master.
While jimin was getting the lube Taehyung told Jungkook to suck Jimin's cock while he was fucking jimin (wow this is probably confusing to some of you🤦‍♀️😂)
A few minutes later...
Jimin was being fucked really hard by Taehyung while getting the best blow job of his life. On the other band Jungkook being eaten out by Jimin and Taehyung having the best view.
Taehyung: Ah f-fuck I'm about to cum kitten!
Jimin: ah-me too, can I cum on your face my little bunny slut.
Jungkook: Ahhh Yesss mommy~
Then a few seconds Taehyung came inside of jimin and jimin came all over Jungkook's face. Then Jungkook got off of jimin to show his master piece.
Jungkook: How dose slut bunny look?, was he a good little slut for master and mommy?
Taehyung and Jimin: Yes you were.
Jungkook: Yum mommy tastes so good, why didn't I not get to cum?, my little cock needs so cum too!
Taehyung: We wanted you to cum into this water bottle.
Jungkook: W-why?
Taehyung: So me and mommy could taste you though out the day when we want.
Jimin: And we'll do it too in this sippy cup next time though me and master are tired.
Jungkook: Ok, give me the water bottle.
A few minutes later...
Jungkook came out of the bathroom with a water bottle filled with his cum.
Jungkook: Here you go!
Taehyung: Wow you filled it up?
Jungkook: Yeah for some reason I cum in big amounts.
Jimin: Ok time to take a shower!
Taehyung: Yeah let's go dollies.
Then they all went into the bathroom and took at shower together and went on with their normal day together.
Hiii I hope you liked this chapter please vote and comment 🥰💜
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