Part 5

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Jungkook pov

I was quickly and happily packing up my thing today was the day I can go back to master. After master's visit I was so broken but I know he still loves me or is that from my psychotic side of me?, anyways I basically lied to my psychiatrist not about what happened but just pretend I was ok perfectly fine and didn't think about how master broke my heart but I still love him I'll always love him I'd do anything for him I'll kill for him because I love him.
Taehyung pov

I was driving to the asylum not happy just sad and I have no feelings for him anymore. Before what happened I loved him with all my heart he was the cutest little thing when I bought him so sweet, our love was unstoppable but until that day he just changed he wasn't like the little bunny when we first meet when I was 3 years old.

Time skip at the asylum.

I got inside and went into the pickup patient section of the asylum and I saw bunny running with all of his things with a big smile looking completely fine.
Bunny: Master you came hehehe! He said excitedly giggling a bit after.
Me: How are you my little bunny?
Bunny: Great I feel so much better now.
Me: That's great, thank you so much bunny's psychiatrist.
Bunny: Yes thank you!
Psychiatrist: Your both very welcome, enjoy your new happy life Jungkook.
Bunny: thanks bye.
Psychiatrist: Bye now.
Jungkook pov
Me: I bet you missed me.
Master: Not really.
Me: That's not nice, you did !
Master: Wow your still psychotic after all that money Ugh!
Me: Nothing is going to change master you can't leave me I won't let that happen!
Master: Well it's going to happen! I'm selling you!
Me: N-no don't please I'll be good I promise please don't master.
Master: I am!
Me: Your just like my parents!, I can't believe my true love is breaking us apart. I said crying.
Master: Oh be quiet.
I'm dropping you off at his house.
Master: If you don't shut the hell up I'm going to tape that mouth shut!
Me: I wouldn't want you to bring me to him.
Master: Why don't worry he has a bigger dick than me you'll love it.
Me: I don't care about dick size I'm saying I'll come back to you really soon.
Master: Why?
Me: He won't last long.
Master: You better not murder him!
Me: watch me!
Master: Your such a-
Me: If you call me a slut, bitch, whore, Psycho I don't care as long as I'm with my master.
Master: Wow your such a bitch I'm glad I'm selling you.
Me: Don't worry this won't last a week.
Master: Ugh I hate you!
Me: and I love you so much master.
Master: Ugh you know what I'm just not going to sell you I'm going to make you my maid.
Me: Oh...
Master: Now that makes you shut up oh my little slut.
Me: I'm bunny!
Master: I thought you didn't care what I called you well your my dolly so I can do whatever I want!, Now what dolly is going to do is first put on your tea party dress and put on the accessories , then go to the tea party room and wait for master to start our tea party.
Me: and you said I was crazy.
Master: Stop that dolly master isn't crazy, also I'm so sorry that master sent you away I missed you so much dolly I wouldn't send you there again.
Me: m-master is that really you in there the old old master side of you I knew when you were a little boy and you would take me everywhere even at school.
(Basically Taehyung changed his personality he has a another personality in him idk how to explain) Master: Yes it is dolly.
Time skip at Taehyung house.
Me: Yay I'm finally home.
Master: Here dolly here's a dress I have made for you I hope you like it.

Master: Here dolly here's a dress I have made for you I hope you like it

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Me: it's beautiful.
I put on the dress and spun around in a circle to show it off.
Me: Do-do you s-still love me?
Master: Of course I still love you dolly, I've always loved you.
Me: B-but the other side of master hated me and said he didn't l-love dolly. I sobbed.
Master: n-no don't cry master will always love you.
(Basically Taehyung's psychological side of him his other side of him gets blinded by his obsession with dolls which Jungkook looks like one so he cherishes him so he's basically obsessed with Jungkook like Jungkook is with Taehyung.)

After what said I felt my heart being put back together. I was so happy I jumped up and down and gave master a kiss on the lips.
Me: I love you.
Time skip at 2:30pm
Master wanted to play with me, Of course I let him he was my master. He was fucking me so good.
Me: Ahhhm!
Master: ah- You like it dolly?, you like master fucking you with his big cock? Master said going deeper hitting my prostate making my eyes roll back.
Me: Y-es, ahhh master right there.
Master: Oh? Did I just hit dolly's prostate?, I guess I'll go harder AND faster.
Then master went full on hard and faster making me weaker also crying from so much pleasure.
Me: Ahmmm ah ah ahhh f-fuck
Master: Wow my dolly is so loud.
Me: Mastee I'm gonna-
Master gave me a dark glare knowing if I cum I'll get a punishment. I don't like punishments. So I kept it in as long as I can.
A few minutes later.
Me:Master my cock hurts I can't hold it much longer.
Master: and if you cum punishment even if it hurts I want us to cum together.
Me: ok.
Master: Ride master, master is tired.
Master flipped us around making me on top. I aligned my ass to master's big cock and sunk down.
Then I started to rock up and down.
Master: Oh fuckkk. Master said throwing his head back.
After a few seconds of rocking back and forth I got bored so a started jumping up and down on master's big cock.
Me: Ah shit so good mmm.
Master: Ahhh dolly I'm going to c-cum.
I wanted to taste master so got off of master's cock went between his legs and started to suck hard on the tip.
Master: AH FUCK dolly~!
Without me knowing he took a handful of my hair and shoved his cock down my throat.
Master: ah That's it I'm almost there, I'll pump you while you suck.
Master started to pump my cock it felt so good.
Master: Ah ok let's cum one...two...three.
Master load went down my throat while mine got on master's thighs.
Me: yummy.
I said licking my lips getting up to but falling on the ground.
Me: Ouch!
Master: Well you did get wrecked also come clean your mess you left on me.
Me: Ok master.
I crawled over to master and started to lick up all my cum on master's thigh.
Master: Also your master's cock.
Then I licked master's cum up off his cock a got up on the bed and passed out.
Taehyung's POV
After our playtime Dolly passed out. I smiled and gave him a kiss. I wonder why my other side hated dolly but my other side is dead now it's just me and my dolly. We didn't really need jimin. We're enough for each other.
Hiii I hoped you liked this chapter I'll try to publish chapters every Sunday so yeah💜 Please vote and comment 🥰💗 have a wonderful day😆🥰💜
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