Part 4

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Jungkook's pov
I woke up extra early for my plan to kill mommy.
I always hated Mommy, Mommy always wants master to give him attention and being all lovey dovey forgetting about me and when master leaves he just hurts me and makes me do all the chores and calls me bad names,now today is the day that mommy will DIE and my suffering will end.

I went downstairs to master's mini doll factory in the basement to get the tools ready for touring Mommy he'll never hurt me again. I got some really sharp knives and a ball gag to shut him up when master comes home. I'm so happy when mommy will be gone and it will just be me and master together our happily ever after.

1 hour later...
I finished getting the stuff ready when I hurt mommy and kill him. Then went up stairs to cook breakfast for my master I don't cook for mommy because he's a meanie. I made heart shaped pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs with 2 pieces of bacon, master loved it and then left for work, Then...mommy came.

Mommy (jimin): Hey slut where's my breakfast?, I don't see it here?, How many times do I have to punish you to obey mommy?, huh slut?

Me: I don't cook for mommy because he's a meanie and hurts Kookie!

Mommy: Slap* say that again slut! 

Me: Bunny didn't like that! I yelled darkly.

Mommy: Wow you think trying to look scary will scare me slut I don't think so.

Me: My name is BUNNY!

Mommy: slap* SLUT!

Me: I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!! I yelled.

Mommy: I love you too slut now go make me some breakfast and do the laundry then fold them then clean all of the rooms, got it slut?!

Me: Wait until I tell master!, he'll believe me.

Mommy: just you wait slut I'm going to tell him you hurt me leaving bruises and he'll punish you good, so now go start cooking slut you don't have a lot of time.

Me: Just you wait mommy bunny has a surprise for mommy~

Mommy: What is it a bunny stuffie?

Me: Nope this.

I took the sharp long knife and sliced mommy's throat blood spilled out. I saw he tried to talk but couldn't from all the blood.

Me: What is it mommy cat got your tongue? Haha now no more touring bunny and living happily with master! Yayyyy hehehe! I was so happy. After I stopped hearing mommy I kicked him in the stomach no response. Mommy's dead.
Me: I'm FREE!
I turned around to see a horrified master.

Me: Master don't be scared it's me your bunny.

Master: w-why bunny WHY DID YOU KILL MOMMY JIMIN!

Me: I killed mommy because he was hurting bunny calling bunny bad names now I'm free and I can live happily with you!

Master: Y-your a MURDER!

I started to tear up.

Me: B-but I did this for us master I'm your adorable little bun bun remember?

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