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The next morning no one woke me up. I woke up all by myself because I was having too much anxiety. Today is the day I meet the man I'm being forced to marry. Yes, this is the 21st century. Unfortunately.

I sighed before leaving my bed room and heading for the kitchen. When I got there I found at least seven people running around whilst making food. I was suddenly more awake than before I came in here. What are all of these people doing in my house?

I heard my mother talking on the phone just outside in the dining room so I left the kitchen and found her. She was just saying goodbye to whomever it was and then she noticed me standing there. She let her hand fall to the side as she took-in the fact that I was still in my pyjamas.

"What are you wearing?" She was horrified. Figures.

"Pyjamas, who is in my kitchen?" I backfired at her with force.

She sighed, "the chefs for tonight. You should be getting ready, after all it is two in the afternoon. What are you still doing in your pyjamas anyways?"

My face fell. Two in the afternoon? I slept that long?! I looked to the large clock that was on the dining room wall, she wasn't lying it was 2:02pm.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I just got out of bed?" I almost screamed at her.

She looked a little confused, "I went in there around ten and we had a whole conversation Vivan."

I sighed and looked towards the floor with my shoulders slumped. Great, this thing again. My old roommates used to 'wake me up' and have whole conversations with me but I never remember any of them because I was still asleep. I guess I sleep talk.

I left the dining room and ran up to my room once I was out of the sight of my mother. She wouldn't approve of my running. She never approves of anything really.

When I got there I took a shower that lasted longer than I would have liked, but it relaxed me a little. Outside, I dried off and put on my undergarments before getting to work on my hair. I dried it then curled just the bottom two inches of my long hair. The rest I left straight and parted it through the middle. Then I did my makeup. It was much more extravagant than I like but much too natural for my mom to like it. That didn't matter, it was my face.

When I finally looked at the clock again it showed that it was 4:00. Oh god.

I heard the doorbell chime through the entire house and my stomach squeezed tightly with fear. I ran into my closet and dove towards my dress. I fell in the process and landed on the ground with a huge 'thud'.

Well, I'm sure they heard that one... Great....

I quickly got up and swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat. I'm pretty sure that I would not get through this night without crying at least once.

(Her dress is to the side ->)

I slipped on the dress then ran out to my bed room to look at myself. No wrinkles, thats a very good sign. I slipped on my diamond earrings then one small chain bracelet and lastly, my nice pair of black heels to go with the dress that also made me look very much taller.

I sighed and did one more hair and makeup check before leaving my room. The butler was just outside my door and was about to knock. He then realized the door was already opened and cleared his throat and stood off to the side so I could walk past. "Your mother asked me to fetch you. Your guests have all arrived."

I nodded once, "thanks." The left him and made my way down the hall then down the long ass staircase we have. When I got to the bottom I found everyone still in the entry area room. They were all kind of frozen in place.

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