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Over the weekend I spent a couple hours on some little work things that could have been done at any time but I just didn't feel like doing during the week. Then I spent a lot more time busying myself with homework that isn't due for another three weeks but I might as well do them rather than having to go through another tub of ice cream. I don't think my body could take it.

When I had finished all of that I blasted music and worked out in my own person gym. Anything to get my mind of my impending doom that will come on Tuesday.

My mother insisted that on Monday she would take me out shopping to look for yet another dress that I'm only going to wear once to impress a small amount of people then never look at again. Since this week was spring break, all of this planning my parents had seemed to work out perfectly in their favour.

By the time Monday rolled around, all of my disracting was for nothing.

My mother woke me up around eight in the morning by opening my curtians. I mean, it took her a while to get them fully opened, those were some big ass windows, she even needed help from one of the maids in order to do so. Then she pulled my covers off my body then tried to pull me out of bed. I grabbed onto my head board and I'm sure it looked like the morning scene from Freaky Friday.

She then prodeeded to yell at me because I was much stronger than she was. 

"Vivian Kylee Fiona Bray, get out of bed this instant or I can and I will get Harold to dump you into the pool just outside your room."

I sat up instantly at the mention of her personal body guard Harold. And the fact that she middle named me wasn't a good sign either.

She smiled triumpantly and left the roomw ithout another word or glance at me. I let out a loud groan once she and the maid were gone and the door was closed. "What am I going to do?" I asked myself quietly. There was no hope for me now.

I dressed in something my mother would approve of. I mean I do like the same things she likes, I just don't think I could wear them every single day like she does. Sometimes I need a break and I don't think she ever takes breaks. Its tiring just knowing that she wears stuff that fancy every day.

I put on a red skirt and a cropped black ballerina top that had some weird design on it. After putting on makeup and straightening my hair so it reached its full length to just an inch above my bum then putting it into a perfect pony tail, I slid on some nice white heels and added a necklace, rings, and earings so my mom would be happy. I sighed before grabbing a clutch and throwing my phone inside. I didn't even have time to check for messages because my mother busrt into my room.

(Outfit to the side ->)

"Vivian-" she cut herself off as she saw me standing there all dressed and ready. She looked over my outfit twice then smiled to herself as if she put this outfit together herself and she was proud of herself for putting together such an amazing outfit. "Good, not lets get going. We only have a few hours before I have to go out for dinner with Ms. Hooper and lord knows that's going to be awful."

She went on rambling about how she really needs to get new friends as I followed her out of my room and out of my house and towards her car. Her car wasn't nearly as fassinating and expensive as mine, but it didn't need to be becasue Harold drover her everywhere.

It didn’t take us long until we were parked and walking into our first store. Harold opened each door for us and I gave him a small smile to thank him. I don’t think my mother has ever properly thanked him for keeping her safe or even just treating her as nicely as he does. He’s like her work husband that sees her twice as often as my father actually does.

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