Chapter 16: Suffer

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"Hey," Jungkook walked into Jimin's office without knocking, causing Hoseok to jump a little and for Jimin to discreetly put paper's over Jungkook's file. "Which teacher did you aggravate this time?" Jimin queried as Jungkook sat down in front of him and Hoseok. "Ms. Kang," Jungkook stated resting his chin on his fist.

"Hm, interesting," Jimin hummed, just wanting Jungkook to leave, "Well, go back to class, I'll cut your detention time in half." Jungkook sighed as he got up, waving before he left the office. "Now. Which family members death would affect him the most?" Jimin thought aloud as he looked at a family picture. "Either his mother or his brother. His sister is abroad and his father is usually on business trips," Hoseok answered rather quickly. "Mm, okay. You remember how to make tools, correct?"

"Of course I do," Hoseok scoffed, "I'm not stupid. Although my aim may be rusty."
"Great. Go home, you know what to do. I'll take your classes and if anyone asks you, you're feeling sick." Hoseok nodded before Jimin got up and ushered him out of the room.


"Hoseok's leaving early?" Mingi mumbled to himself, confused as to why he wasn't told anything. "Huh?" Hongjoong turned to his friend. "Nothing," Mingi brushed Hongjoong off before getting up to follow Hoseok. "Hello class- Mingi! Where are you going?!"
"Apologies, but I must skip this lesson. I'll make sure to be informed of all the notes I miss," Mingi bowed before rushing out, hoping Hoseok didn't already leave.

The teacher blinked. "Uh...did he hit his head too hard?" The other students were also quite confused by Mingi's sudden change in behaviour. "Well, I hope he stays like that." All the teachers were tired of Mingi's antics at this point.

"Oops," Mingi winced once he realized how he spoke before leaving the classroom. "I'll claim it was a prank," Mingi shrugged as he reached the car park. "Back to the task at hand..." Mingi scanned through the area for Hoseok, sighing in relief when he just managed to spot Hoseok getting into his car.

"Hey...?" Hoseok rolled down the window when Mingi knocked on it. "So uh, where are you going?" Mingi questioned. "Don't you have classes?" Hoseok grumbled.
"Don't you?" Mingi retorted. "Jimin's taking them," Hoseok explained, "Now that I've answered your question please go to class.."

"Uh, no. Open the door," Mingi pulled at the car door handle, "Please?" Mingi added as he saw the look on Hoseok's face.

"No," Hoseok huffed, making Mingi raise an eyebrow, "Go to class."
"You know, I always find it cute when you tell me what to do, as if I'll listen to you," Mingi chuckled before reaching into the car through Hoseok's window and unlocking the door himself, getting into the passenger seat.

"So...McDonald's?" Mingi grinned cheekily as Hoseok sighed. "I have to kill a werewolf to get into this stupid hunter's council, Mingi. I'm going home to make a bow and arrow that I'll probably never use."
"Any targets in mind?" Mingi asked as they stopped at a red light.
"Jimin decided on Jungkook's brother." Mingi snorted at that, "Jimin is so petty."

"Extremely. I've gotten used to it over the years," Hoseok chuckled as he continued driving. "Anyways, we decided on McDonald's, right? I know you're hungry too," Mingi pointed out.
"I'm always hungry, Mingi."
"Exactly. McDonald's." Hoseok eventually gave in and turned into the drive-thru, making Mingi cheer.


"Calm down. Keep your eye on the target," Minjun adjusted Yoongi's posture, "Bow near your face. And...Shoot."

Yoongi let go of the bow string, the arrow whizzing past. Yoongi had almost hit a bullseye. "Wow, that's an amazing first shot," Minjun grinned, feeling a sense of pride as he pat his son's back, "Try it again, you've already gotten the hang of it, so if you practice you should have amazing aim in no time."

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