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9:00 pm
the trio were eating the dinner
Minho was completely full of food
So he sighed and said " this is enough
I'm going insane "
Hyunjin laughed at him " why ? "
Minho with anger " I'm on diet !! and both of you let me eat anything infront of me !!"
Seungmin asked " why today is not your day off of diet ?? "
Minho answered " you always asking this seungmin ! Just don't let me eat anything !!"
Hyunjin said " but you were eating ice cream with Minnie before we have dinner !!! "
Minho " this kid didn't stop me from eating the ice cream !! and it was really good "
Seungmin pouted  " you know I won't stop you from eating anything and I'm not kid ! I'm 00 liner "
Minho giggled " you're the youngest here, so you're the kid here "
Seungmin still pouting " jinnie !! Say something"
Hyunjin laughed at the youngest " I can't minnie, Minho hyung is completely right" then seungmin got up from his chair and went to the kitchen, try to ignoring them

11:20 pm
In the cottage, there were two rooms : small room and master bedroom
So they decided to play Rock Paper Scissors, the loser will be sleeping alone, seungmin was the loser as usual
Seungmin with happiness " yes yes!!
Im full of happiness, finally I can be alone without both of you "
Hyunjin asked "can we play again ? "
Minho shook his head " no !! we won't play it again, just accept the fate jinnie "
Hyunjin muttered " but I want to be with Minnie "
Seungmin laughed " we can hear you jinnie "
Minho laughed too " idiot jinnie "
Hyunjin said with anger " yeah yeah whatever, Let's go to sleep "
Both of his friends giggled at him
Seungmin yawned " Good night,
Minho hyungie and jinnie "

then Seungmin hugged them tightly and said " good night again and I love you guys "
Hyunjin replied " I love you too"
Minho replied too " I love you three "
After that seungmin finally decides to go to the small room and the other two did the same

2minjin Summer vacation Where stories live. Discover now