Citate #4

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31.Be careful who you trust, remember, the devil was once an angel.(Dean Winchester/Supernatural)

32.People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them.(Sam Winchester/Supernatural)

33.Control your emotions. Discipline your mind.(Severus Snape/Harry Potter şi Printul Semi-Pur)

34.There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it.(Professor Quirrel/Harry Potter şi Piatra Filozofală)

35.Life is full of tough moments, you have to fight for what you want.(Jane Villanueva/Jane The Virgin)

36.We're family and nothing is more important.(Rogelio/Jane the Virgin)

37.You can't make people love you, but you can make them fear you.(Blair Waldrof/Gossip Girl)

38.Life with you could never be boring. (Chuck Bass/Gossip Girl)

39.You are my life now.(Edward Cullen/Twilight)

40.Death is peaceful. Easy. Life is harder.(Bella Swan/The Twilight Saga:Eclipse)


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