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“Oh my god… Oh my god… No… no… that can’t be her. It’s not her… It’s not Dee… This is just a joke playing on my mind…this is impossible…” Marge repeatedly thought trying to calm herself.

“Dear, are you okay? do you want to seat here?” the old woman asked, stopping her thought. She did not realize that she’s been standing in front of the seat for quite some time now. She’s still shocked from what happened earlier.

“Oh, no Ma’am. Thank you for the concern. I’ll just sit on the back.” She politely answered after realizing that she’s been standing too long even with the empty seats all around her. 

She excused herself, and seat at the back. She just wanted to go home. After her long shift, she just wants to sleep and forget everything that happened.


“Good morning!” Alex greeted, as she entered Raine’ office. “Where’s Dee?” she asked, seeing it was only her, Pat and Raine in the room. 

“I don’t know. She sent her complete report to me and her boss, around 2AM this morning. Her email just said that she wants to file an emergency leave and she doesn’t know when she can report to work. She also said that she’s willing to resign if we can’t allow her to take leaves indefinitely” Raine explained to them.

“This is absurd. This is Dee that we are talking about. What’s so important aside from her work that she will leave the situation like this?” Pat asked.

“I don’t really know. I have a guess, but I’m not sure. Anyway, we still need to prepare for the meeting. The board of directors will be here in 30 minutes. Ellie will come here by that time too. Let’s just finish all our meetings today and let’s discuss Dee’s situation after that. Okay?”

“Okay” both Alex and Pat answered in unison.


“Finally!!!” Alex yelled as she sat in one of Raine’s sofa. “Who scheduled this back to back meetings?” she continued to whine. They’ve been attending one meeting after another the whole day. Only having an hour lunch break.

“You can’t blame them. This is the first time that we have a serious potential fraud. My IT team is also busy trying to retrieve all our transactional data from the last 5 years. We need to understand the extent of this matter before it leaked in the media.” Pat explained before slumping in the sofa as well.

“We can manage this. We are trained and we’ve planned about this. Dee’s actually the one who helped finalize our policy and procedures when something like this happened.” Raine explained. “Anyway, have both of you received any message from Dee? I’m checking my emails now and still no update. I asked her boss, but he said that he did not received any further notice other than the report this morning.”

“Nope” Alex answered. “Same here” Pat replied after looking into her phone.

“This is getting out of hand. This is very unusual for Dee. Since we no longer have any meetings, let’s just go to her house and check on her. I’m really worried on what is happening to her. I tried calling her home and her phone during lunch, but it went straight to voicemail.” Raine continued. 

“Wait, do you remember if Dee is using our company phone and if she’s bringing it everywhere?” Pat asked, suddenly getting an idea.

“I think so, I think she’s using it as her main phone.” Raine answered. “Why do you ask?”

“Because we can actually track our company phones, but only for emergency and really important purposes. We need to actually document and report it to HR. We have a control, automatically notifying the HR and me once we activated the tracking of someone’s phone. We need to properly explain the reason so we cannot be held liable on privacy concerns / legal matters surrounding that. I’ll contact my team so they can check Dee’s location.” Pat explained.

I PROMISE (Lesbian Story - Dee x Marge)Where stories live. Discover now