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“What happened?” one of the paramedics looked at her and asked, while the others lift Dee in a stretcher and brought inside the ambulance.

“I… I don’t know… We… we were talking, then… then I said goodbye, and before I left, I just heard something and the next thing I know she... she was lying there…”  she tried to explain, her body still shaking.

“Okay, I understand. Are you a family member / a close friend? Will you accompany her to the hospital?”

“No... I... I’m just an acquittance…” she replied.

“I see, don’t worry, we’ll take her in the hospital and inform her emergency contacts. Thank you so much for your help.” The paramedics said. 

But before they can leave. “Wait, wait please… I… I’ll come… I’ll come with her.” She said not sure why she suddenly felt the urge to be with Dee. This was the only time she ever rode an ambulance again, after her mother died. All the feeling she felt back then, the surrounding… the noise of the car… the machine…she vividly remembered…



“Mom… mom… please wake up… please… I’m begging you… please” she cried as she held her mother’s hands while they’re inside the ambulance.

Earlier, she was just talking and arguing with her mom about their current situation.

“Mom, please, let’s just leave Dad. He’s basically a shell, he doesn’t care about us, he doesn’t care about you. He’s just drowning himself everyday with alcohol. He’s not helping us with the bills. We barely make ends meet from the small money we earn from doing other’s people’s laundry.” she plead. 

“Marge, even if all you said is true, we can’t leave. We need to stay here, we don’t have anywhere else to go. And even if your father is a drunkard, he doesn’t hurt us, you can actually consider yourself lucky.” Her mom calmly answered.

“You mean not yet. He’s a ticking time bomb Mom. He doesn’t hurt us now but he’s already throwing things, breaking things just because there’s no beer in the fridge or dinner’s late or he doesn’t like the meal.”

“Just stop Marge, just get those baskets and help me finish Mrs. Carlos’ laundry so we can buy some groceries later.”

She didn’t move right away but eventually gave in because even though she’s right, her mother is still telling the truth. 

“Mom… where do you want me to put these baskets?” Marge called. “These are really heavy… do you think Mrs. Carlos will….” she dropped the baskets and run towards her mom as she saw her lying on the floor…




“Excuse me Miss.”

“Ah, yes?” she answered as she saw the nurse in front of her.

“Are you the family member of Ms. Ferrer?”

“I… I accompany her here, but I’m actually just an acquaintance. Is… is she okay? Is she critical?” she asked, worried that whatever happened to her mom will happen to Dee as well.

“Ah no, no… she’s no longer critical. She was actually moved to a private room there. The doctor is looking for her family so he can discuss what happened and her current situation.” The nurse reassured her.

Before she can say anything, she heard a noise in the nurse’s station wherein 3 women arrived, all in suit and looking terribly worried.

“Hi, excuse me… I’m Raine Zulueta, I’m looking for Dina Ferrer, someone called that she was admitted here?”

I PROMISE (Lesbian Story - Dee x Marge)Where stories live. Discover now