I'll Keep Him Safe

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Ever since I died, I've been watching Kacchan. I don't know why, or what I'm watching him for, but I'm basically doing what I did when I was alive, he's just not yelling at me or beating me up for it.

This isn't strange, it's what ghosts and friends do, they watch over people.

The zero pointer started to rise up from the ground, coming in Kacchan's direction.

At least it was, until I made it turn.

Kacchan needs to focus on the exams, and I'm not going to let him get injured.

He has a routine to stick to, and he may be a bit more tired because of this, but if he hurts himself, he'll probably continue through it, and I'm not going to let him do that.

I'll keep him as unscathed as possible, and he'll go through this doing his best, pass, and eventually become a hero.

I'll keep him safe.

The zero pointer starts moving away from Kacchan, and I monitor both it and Kacchan, making sure the bot doesn't hurt anyone, and that Kacchan doesn't get hurt.

Kacchan massacres the bots he comes across, and I make sure that the zero pointer steers away from anyone who can't get out of the way of it.

The test ends a few seconds after Kacchan destroys another wave of bots, and I glide over to him and give him a tackle hug even though I know he won't feel it. He stumbles back a bit, but he probably excused that as exhaustion.

For the next week, I made sure to have the house extra clean and even tried to keep nasturtium flowers in the vase, to represent victory. I'm not sure if Kacchan or Auntie Mitsuki noticed on their own, but I know that Uncle Masaru noticed, because he mentioned it to them one night.

"Hey, have you noticed the new flowers?" Masaru asked over dinner.

"Yeah, what are they?" Mitsuki responded.

"They're nasturtium flowers." Uncle answered.

"Care to elaborate, old man? Otherwise I'm just calling them nasty flowers." Kacchan made me laugh, so I only tickled his nose enough to irritate him. "Fuck, stop that!"

Masaru looked amused, but explained it to him anyways. "Nasturtium flowers mean victory."

Mitsuki beamed and smacked Kacchan on the back. "Seems like our housekeeper's cheering you on!"

Kacchan grunted in acknowledgement, and I took that as a good sign.

As soon as the letter came, I brought it into the house and tried to wake Kacchan up.

I was tickling his feet and he kicked me, well more like he kicked through me, and I waited for ten seconds. He didn't get up so I lifted up the edge of his blanket and blew cold air into it.

He had one of those shudder shivers that you get when you're totally comfortable, and then it feels like an ice cube is crawling up and down your spine.

Kacchan ripped his blanket off so fast that it looked like he teleported it off of him. "Fuck!"

He rubbed his hands up and down his arms, trying to warm himself, and spotted the letter.

He picked up the letter and opened it, taking out a disk and placing it on his nightstand.

I took a seat next to him on his bed, my nonexistent weight not even making a dent on his sheets.

The disk started playing a hologram recording, and we both started watching it, though I kept glancing at Kacchan, trying to gauge his reaction.

All Might appeared and revealed the fact of him being a new faculty member at Yuuei. He told Kacchan his score on the written and practical exam, to which Kacchan allowed a smug smirk to grace his face.

I let out a cheer and Kacchan clenched his fist at his side, which was a sure sign that he was proud. 

Uncle Masaru called Kacchan down for breakfast, and Kacchan revealed his scores when he sat at the table.

"Congratulations." Uncle says.

"I'm proudd of you, kid!" Auntie says, with a rough pat on the back.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Kacchan rolls his eyes and hides the smallest of smiles at their praise.

Comment, I'm lonely.

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