Yandere!Piper x fem!Reader

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"Did you hear?"

"She wasn't in her bed today."

Y/N heard the whispers the moment she stepped out of the g/p cabin.

"What happened?" She asked Lacy.

"Percy's panicking. Annabeth didn't return last night, and she wasn't here this morning." Lacy explained.

"Annabeth is missing?" Y/N was filled with worry for her best friend. "Oh, gods."

She ran to find Percy, who had drawn Riptide and was strapping on his armor. "Percy?"

"I have to find Annabeth. I'll look in the woods." Percy explained.

"I'll go with you." Y/N said.

Piper arrived, her kaleidoscope eyes filled with worry. "You're going to find Annabeth? I'm going with you."

The three of them trudged into the woods, full of steely determination.

"Annabeth?" Y/N called. "Annabeth? Where are you?"

"Annabeth? Wise girl? Are you here?" Percy said, his voice full of pleading.

"Maybe she's over there." Piper said, pointing in the direction of the grove where the Council of Cloven Elders met.

When they got closer, they could hear crying and muttering.

A crowd had formed around a tall ash tree, and several satyrs and dryads were comforting a boy who must have been the spirit of said tree.

"What happened here?" Percy asked.

The satyrs and nymphs parted and revealed the source of the commotion. Y/N would never forget this day.

Her best friend's dead body hung from the tree, a rope around her neck.

Percy let out a howl. "Annabeth!What happened? Who did this?!"

An old satyr coughed. "She looks like she killed herself."

"No. No. Not Annabeth." Percy said, crying.

Tears were streaming down Y/N's face as well, and Piper's head was in her hands.

The poor spirit of the Ash was breaking down. "I-I'm sorry I didn't see her d-do that I-I was asleep I'm sorry!"

"Shh, it's not your fault. Percy, calm down." Piper said, pouring charmspeak into her words.

The campers were heartbroken and horrified to see Piper, Percy, and Y/N carry Annabeth's dead body.

Y/N broke down in Piper's arms. "Pipes, we were best friends, and I-I don't even know why she'd do this kind of thing!"

"Shh, Y/N, Annabeth obviously had her reasons."

At the funeral, no one could find Percy.

"Oh gods!" Malcolm from the Athena cabin yelled. "Percy!"

People gathered around the Poseidon cabin, and found a horrible sight. Percy Jackson lay in a pool of his own blood, from a large wound in his side. His sword Riptide lay near him, covered in blood.

Y/N almost fainted. Two tragedies in one day, two friends gone.

Day after day another camper commited suicide.

Even when the Romans visited they suffered casualties too. Everyone who killed themselves were Y/N's friends, and she couldn't help but think that it was her fault they were dying.

She said the exact thing to Piper, who comforted her. Piper was probably the only thing keeping her sane. If not for her, Y/N probably would have followed her friends into the Underworld.

Everyday someone close to Y/N died. Leo drowned himself. Hazel threw herself off a cliff. Jason poisoned himself. Nico disappeared and never came back.
They found his body a week later.

Y/N decided she'd had had enough. She was leaving camp.

Then Reyna ran into the g/p cabin. "Y/N-"

Then she fell over, a knife sticking out of her back.

Piper stood there, Katroptris in her hand, Reyna's blood staining the blade.

"Piper! Why did you do this?!" Y/N yelled.

"Finally. Just the two of us, Y/N." Piper said, approaching her. "No one to get in our way now."

"What do you mean? G-get away from me!"

"Don't be scared, Y/N, they can't take you away from me anymore, they all killed themselves! You're mine now!" Piper said, hugging a trembling Y/N.

Y/N tried to push her away, but Piper's grip was strong. "What did you do to them?!"

Piper grinned. "Oh, nothing my dear, they just needed a little persuasion."

It clicked. Piper had charmspeaked them into killing themselves.

"Piper how could you? Let go of me!" Y/N said, struggling against Piper's embrace.

The daughter of Aphrodite let go of Y/N, surprised. "You don't love me?"

"No! I can't love anyone who murders my friends!" Y/N spat.

Piper felt like she'd been stabbed. " . . . You don't love me . . ." She repeated.

"No! Get away from me!" Y/N yelled, grabbing her weapon and brandishing it at Piper.

The gears turned in Piper's brain, and she got it. "You don't love me . . ."

Piper grinned. "But I can make you love me."

"What?!" Y/N said.

"Come on, Y/N, you know you love me . . ."

"No! I-I don't!"

"Of course you do, my dear . . ."

Y/N tried to resist, but the charmspeak was too strong . . .

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