sechzehn | xvi

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"I still can't believe it." Melanie said as they looked over at the rock on Jiyeon's finger.

"I'm just happy that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me." Jiyeon, smiling at the younger.

"Things are looking up. I mean hey, Moon finally manned up and asked Joy out. I'm glad she's finally found someone." Melanie smiled, while folding the dress in her hands.

"So, what about you and Yuta?" Jiyeon asked, handing Melanie the next item for her to pack.

"What do you mean?" Melanie asked, pretending to act clueless while the light pink dust spread across her cheeks.

"Come on, its clear you are in love with the guy." Jiyeon said, rolling her eyes and Melaine grabbed three pairs of heels and tossed them into a shoe bag.

"Fuck off. Its not like anything is going to happen."

"You ready to go Mel?" Jaehyun asked, stepping into the door frame.

"Yeah just got pack the weapons." Melanie said, opening a drawer.

She grabbed 4 handguns, a lockbox of ammo, taser, two holsters, switchblade, and retractable baton. Then, she tossed the taser, baton, and switchblade into her purse. As she loaded the handgun and slipped the holster on under her skirt, the other two made small talk.

"So, are you guys planning a wedding anytime soon?" Jaehyun asked.

"No, we're waiting a awhile. Taeyong says the climate is too rough just after the fall of the X-Killers. Who knows what is lurking out there." Jiyeon said.

"Okay, I'm ready to go. Jiyeon could you zip up my suitcase?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah, no problem." Jiyeon said, quickly doing it before setting the suitcase upright.

"How long is the flight?" Jaehyun asked.

"I think 2 hours? Its just us so the flight should be short." Melanie explained as she took the suitcase from Jiyeon.

Jaehyun nodded and the group departed from Melanie's room, heading towards the entrance way. To Melanie's surprise, the entire group was standing around.

"There you guys are, Melanie the car-"

"OH MY GOD YOUR HAIR!!!!" Taeyong was interupted by Renjun, who was shocked.

"Thought it was time for a change." Melanie shrugged, before hugging the younger boy whom she had closly befriended.

"It looks so different!"

Melanie laughed, ruffling her now black to dark blue ombre hair and saying goodbyes.

Finally, Ten walked Yuta and her over to the black SUV that he was escorting them to the airport with.

"I know you guys are out on a scouting mission, but if you want to check out any potential members while you're there feel free to pick some people up." Ten said as they neared the entrance to the private plane section of the airport.

"Remember, what ever you do-"

"Don't break cover. Ten I've got this." Melanie assured the nervous technician.

Ten pulled to a stop about 15 metres away from the plane. Yuta got out first, and walked around the vehicle before opening the door and helping Melanie out.

Yuta closed the car door behind her while she smoothed out her long black slip dress and slipped on her sunglasses.

Melanie waved goodbye to Ten, before grasping Yuta's arm and following him towards his jet.

"Mr. Nakamoto, Ms. Jeon. Welcome on board." The captain who was standing at the bottom of the stairs said.

"Thank you, Captain Mikoto." Yuta said before he and Melanie followed the captain up the stairs.

"Your luggage is being loaded right now, we will take off in a few minutes." Captian Mikoto said as the two took a seat on the small jet.

Melanie removed her sunglasses and placed them in her bag before resting into her seat across from Yuta.

"What's our first stop when we land?" Melanie asked.

"Drop our bags off at hotel and check-in. Then find a restaurant." Yuta said.

"Got any recommendations? It is your hometown after all." Melanie said.

"There's a really nice rooftop restaurant a few blocks away from the hotel."

"That sounds great, you wanna play some cards?" Yuta said with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Oh you are going down."


"Didn't know you also owned hotels." Melanie said as they stepped into Yuta's private elevator.

"Well, what can I say. I'm good at properties." Yuta said.

"Is that why you build private area's for yourself in every building you own?" Melanie asked.

"Well, it wouldn't be me with out an opulent flair now would it." Yuta said, winking at Melanie.

"You're right." Melanie laughed as the elevator stopped and opened into Yuta's private suite.

"This isn't even a room, this is freaking penthouse." Melanie said, gawking at the room.

Inside, was a huge open-plan living area. A modern marble kitchen was to their right, and a slick dining area just past that. Directly to their left, was a large light grey c-shaped couch that faced a large plasma tv. Next to that was a hallway that presumably lead to the bedroom and bathroom, and just past that was a small sitting area facing massive floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city.

"Do you not like it?" Yuta asked.

"Its stunning Yuta, your flair for design never ceases to amaze me." Melanie said, as they walked into the suite.

"Thanks, but wait till you see the bedroom." Yuta smiled, running off to the bedroom.

"Rude!" Melanie laughed, quickly slipping off her flats and running after Yuta.

"Wow. You weren't kidding." Melanie said after she slid into the bedroom and stopped.

The large light grey room, much like the living area had huge floor-to-ceiling window. A California king covered with black sheets was pushed against the right wall. On the left wall stood two large black oak wardrobes with a large gold framed mirror. However the highlight of the room was a marble hot tun set in the floor just past the bed.

"Comeone change, we've got a dinner to attend to." Yuta said opening open the left wardrobe to reveal Melanie's packed clothing all hung up.

"Our luggage already got here?" Melanie said, walking over and rifling through clothing.

"Well you are the one who wanted to stop to get snacks." Yuta said, laughing and opening his own wardrobe.

"Screw you." Melanie said, poking her tongue out as she picked out a navy blue cocktail dress.

Yuta grabbed a different blazer and a new chain necklace, before grabbing a dress shirt. Melanie stared at Yuta, with the dress and her makeup bag in her hand.

"Can you, uh turn around so I change?" Melanie asked.

Yuta wiggled his brows before speaking up, "No." in a flirty tone.


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