My life's a lie

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You probably don't know me
But please, Call my Lucky-Chan
As you can see, the title is a...little...confusing
But it leaves you curious, no?
Well, let me cut to the chase and explain the tea 🍵
(Little disclaimer: cussing)


So, one day
I was late to class cause I couldn't find the theatre class
BUT, when I finally found the class and sat down at my assigned seat
The teacher said
"Say your grade and two things about yourself"
So, I said
"I'm in 10th grade
I love going to my dance studio
And I'm from Ballycumber, Ireland"
Then, I pulled out my drawing notebook
And began drawing
As I'm drawing, I heard people around me saying
"Ouuu, we have a foreigner in our class"
"Yo, you think she's an exchanged student?"
"No, she can't be new here, she speaks perfect English"
But, I didn't really care about what they were saying cause I don't listen to people's opinions about me
Then, the people that I was sitting with, they said
"Wow, you're really from Ireland?"
"Do you speak Ireland?"
"Your English is impressive by the way"
I LITERALLY responded
"Thank you"
But then...😒

(I'm not saying names BUT imma just call her Karen because it sounds JUST ABOUT right)

Karen thinks she knows EVERYTHING about me and says
"You're not from Ireland"
I ignored her
"I've known you since elementary"
I ignored her
"See you're not saying anything so, it's obvious that I'm right and you're talking sh*t"
I ignored her and continued drawing baby Deku
But then one of the people at my table says
"Yo, how about you chill yo ratchet ass out and stop acting like you know her"
I was kind of shocked because
Well, no one has ever stood up for me before
She continued saying
"If you say you know her, why are you being so rude to her? Do you actually know her?
Karen was silence in words and raging with anger
I started to tell the girl
"Hey, it's ok, don't get yourself in trouble"
But she said
"No, it's not fine because I'm not gonna let her say sh*t to you and you can't defend yourself because of her stupid a*s think she so cool"
And Karen says
"Why are you even defending a b*tch a*s lair?"
And the girl says
"Uhhh, oh, I don't know, maybe because out of nowhere you're being a complete a*shole and she didn't even do nothing wrong. I bet you don't even know her name, do you?"
Karen got angry and turned to her friends and they all went out of the classroom but before they did, Karen walked passed me and said
"It's kind of sad that she backed you up with your lie"
Then the girl at my table pushes Karen and says
"Would you back the f*ck off from her"
Karen then stormed outta the room with her friends


"What does this have to do with title?"
You may ask
Calm your nAmTiTtIesS hooman
Imma explain


So, when someone asks me a question about ANYTHING
"Where are you from?"
"What was it like growing up?"
"Where are you going?"
And EVERY TIME I say something about Ireland
They INSTANTLY think I'm lying
And every time I try to explain the situation
They get mad with me or
They don't wanna listen or
When I'm done explaining, they weren't even listening to what I said or
They'd just walk away
And at this point at the age of 17
When they do this to me
I'm not fazed AT ALL
I'm so use to it
Like whenever they ask me any question
"Why do you care?" Or
"Why do you want to know?"
Or I'll actually be honest and say
Ballycumber, Ireland
But it depends on the person, ya know?
Cause it's all in the tone of how they ask the questions
Like if they have a b*tchy or rude a*s tone
Don't f*cking respond to them because instantly you should know that they just want you to say something JUST SO they can start drama and spread random a*s rumors about you
If they have like an actual curious question and a calm tone
Respond to them


So, by explaining the title
"My life is a lie"
Other people think my response to their questions is a lie
Like if they ask questions about my life and I respond back
They instantly, without hesitation, think I'm lying about my life
Does it makes since now? (・・?)
I don't know how else to explain it
When they ask about MY LIFE
and I response with the REAL ANSWER
They either say
"Nahh, you cappin"
"Man, get outta my face"
Like THEY think "My life is a lie"
And I don't know why
But every time someone says this to me
The inside of me wants to grab them by their vocal cords and strangle the absolute f*ck outta them and say
"Listen here you uncultured swine, I'm about to sling your flat a*s to the seven blazes of hell if you asume one more f*cking thing about me"
But the outside of me is like disappointingly staring at them with a blank face

The end....I guess
If you still don't understand something
Feel free to ask me questions
But you don't have to at the same time
I don't judge
How would you respond to someone if they asked "where you from?" Or "you're not from there"
Leave your responses if you'd like to
But again you don't have to
But thanks for reading (^ω^)
And I hope you continue reading some more "My life" ٩( 'ω' )و

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