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Holly had been striding up and down through the hallway for almost an hour now.

"Will you PUH-lease stop doing that", said Heather, her elder sister "You're distracting me", finished Heather while painting her nails.

"Are you sure he's gonna be okay?" asked Holly impatiently.

"Of course! Henry's a boy! You seriously need to stop acting like he's your child rather than your brother!" said Heather.

"Well he's gonna be spending the night in the woods alone", cried Holly.

"First of all, there's a LOT wrong in that" said Heather annoyed. He's got that boy named Jack with him, and, it's not even the "woods", it's a small forest near our home.

"Is something wrong?!" asked Hazel as she descended down the stairs.

Hazel was a TOTAL GEEK. She basically lived in the library.

"Finished memorizing the dictionary, have ya?"asked Heather.

"Shut up!" snapped Hazel, "I've got a few more pages" whispered Hazel quietly.

"You're PATHETIC!!" added Heather annoyingly.

"Shut it! Both of you!" said Holly. "Mum went for her night shift only two hours ago. How are we supposed to survive the night if you both argue whenever you see each other?!"

"Heather's the one who started it, look!" Hazel pulled up the sleeve of her jumper up to her shoulder. There were fresh marks of fingernails.

"She deserved it." said Heather when Holly started giving her dirty looks. "You should know how to behave to your older sisters, Hazel! said Heather pointing at her.

"Well! Holly's got no problem with it! You are so dramatic, sis."

"Everyone, calm dow-" began Holly.


"Well. If you didn't know, it hurts like CRAZY when one carves flesh with FIVE INCH LONG NAILS!" shouted Hazel.

"You think I care?!"

This time Holly didn't even try to stop them. She had been dead sick worrying about Henry. Even though he didn't go camping often, Henry had felt pretty brave to go that time. She didn't know what was bothering her. The forest seemed quieter than it had been in years. She went downstairs to get away from all the dreadful thoughts had been coming to her mind.

Heather was sitting on the sofa with her long, straight blonde hair all ruffled, holding a magazine upside down in her hands. She also had a small part of her nail chipped off. On the couch beside it, there sat Hazel with her glasses lopsided and her freckled face covered in bruises.

"Seriously! Can't I even leave you both alone for a minute or two?!" asked Holly.

Both of them sat there quietly.

"Anyway, come help me set up the table for dinner." said Holly.

Both of them dragged their feet to the dining room. Holly saw Hazel yawn and spotted a part of her tooth missing. 'That ought to be for chipping Heather's nails off ' thought Holly and couldn't suppress a smile. They ate their dinner in silence. While somewhere in the woods, a young boy screamed.

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