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Hazel turned a key on the door and led the others to her room. Her room was filled with shelves containing thousands of books. Oh her desk, along with the other books, there was her dictionary, tattered with excessive use. She ran straight to a shelf and started searching for a particular book.

"Where is it?!" said Hazel frustrated "I had only bought it a few days ago."

"Well, if you ask me, I think it would take a whole day to search through just a single one of your dozen shelves." said Heather.

Hazel glared at her.

Heather rolled her eyes "Stop staring! I only stated the facts."

"GOT IT!" said Hazel. She took out a book named 'All about ghouls'. She went and sat down on her desk and ran her finger through the contents.

"Zombie ghouls, Werewolf ghouls, ah! Yes! Vampire ghouls!" said Hazel "Now, I want all of you to listen to me carefully"

The opened book lay wide upon the desk, the words 'Vampire ghouls' etched upon it. Hazel picked up the book and began to read.

"The ghoul of a vampire can enter one's body only if the vampire is on the brink of life. This is the main reason vampires are immortal. During these times, it transfers a part of its soul to a mortal. With each defeat of the ghoul inside the mortal, a part of the ghoul drifts away from the body. While being possessed by a vampire ghoul, they will acquire most of the characteristics of a vampire. For example, they will only be able to feed on raw meat and of course, blood."

Holly gasped.

Hazel continued "The ghoul inside will be provoked, if the possessed sees blood. The possessed cannot go directly out in the sunlight. A vampire however, may also be able to change his form to other people. The only way to get rid of a ghoul is to kill the vampire, by the only way ever known to mankind, i.e. a stake through the heart."

With this, Hazel closed her book. All the others were lost in thought.

"Thought you would at least call his best friend." said a voice in the doorway.

All heads turned to the door. Jack was leaning on the doorframe, hands crossed.

"Oh! I am so sorry Jack! I thought you were tired and needed to rest." said Holly.

"It's okay" said Jack.

"Should I ask Hazel to read it again?" asked Holly.

"Nah, I was behind the door the entire time." Replied Jack calmly.

"Come on then! Let's go downstairs" said Hazel.

"All of them sat in the living room. No one seemed to want to talk.

"Ew Hazel! There are crumbs of your toast on the couch!" said Heather dusting her seat. "At least take your plate and knife to the kitchen."

"Fine!" said Hazel picking up the plate and knife. "Wait a minute! Let me show you something."

She took the knife and cleaned it on the edge of her t shirt. Then she took Henry's hand and drove the knife on his arm. A wound formed on his arm.

"What are you doing?!" asked Holly, concerned.

But, to everyone's surprise, the wound closed as soon as it opened, leaving no trace of its appearance.

"That's awfully surprising." said Holly "I am so done with this. I'm off to sleep. It's almost 2:30 am!"

"Okay goodbye peopl-" began Heather.

"Wait!" Jack cut in, avoiding the look Heather was giving him, he continued "I have something to tell you."

The next few minutes passed in a blur.

"So you're telling me that Henry went completely mad in the forest?!" exclaimed Heather.

"Yes!" said Jack.

"This must've been a rough night for you two." Said Holly "I'm not sure about how I am going to sleep after hearing a story like this! And Jack, you don't mind sleeping on the couch do you?"

"Of course not." replied Jack.

"Okay then, goodnight" said Hazel to the other four.

As the three sisters got up from the couch and headed to their bedrooms, Henry and Jack were still on the couch.

"Uh-oh" whispered Henry "I'm hungry again."

WinterFall: Once upon a ghoulWhere stories live. Discover now