Chapter 9 - True Friends

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It's strange, thought Eames, how everything in your life could be right for one day, and then something happens that completely tears it apart.

Arthur was gone. That much was sure. The empty space in Eames' bed just highlighted the empty space in his heart even more. The sheets were crumpled in the same position as they were yesterday, the bed sheets folded in the same way. Everything was the same, except Arthur was gone. As if he had evaporated. As if he had never been there in the first place.

For the longest while, he just sat there, head in his hands, staring at the ground. It was as if if he could just look up, then Arthur would be there with him, holding his hand, telling his that everything would be okay. But when he lifted his head, his brain feeling like it has been filled with lead, the room was the same as before. His life was the same as before.

Of course it is, he thought to himself. You're dreaming. You dreamed this whole thing. Your mind was so overwhelmed with grief from Arthur's death that you made up this scenario in your head. You're so, so stupid.

But the smell of Arthur was still in his bed sheets. His taste was still on his tongue. Arthur had been here, and only yesterday.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. He rifled through his drawers until he found the book he was looking through. He dusted off the cover, and the word "Soulmates" appeared. Was that really only three days ago? He flicked through the book until he found what he was looking for.

The only way they can escape from Limbo is if they find their soulmate and fall in love with them. Only then will they achieve a more permanent state of death.

Closing the book, he stared into space. So many emotions welled up inside him, and yet a cold kind of numbness spread through him, until a dry smile tugged at his lips. Yet, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"So he escaped," Eames whispered to himself. "He only loved me to get out."

Groaning, he put his head in his hands. "Godspeed, my darling."


"Yusef. Yusef, I need your help," Eames wheezed, having run in from outside. His suit clung to him, his tie lopsided and his ordinarily perfectly gelled hair sticking up every which way.

Yusef spun around in his chair, his dark eyes scrutinizing Eames, an amused look on his face. "Did you run all this way?"

Eames stopped to catch his breath. "I'm serious. Please. I need your help."

Yusef's face changed, his ever laughing eyes suddenly serious. "Tell me."

So Eames told him everything. From what Cobb had done, to Arthur coming into his flat, to the kissing, the soulmates, and finally, the disappearance. Yusef said nothing the whole way through, but when Eames finally finished, he leapt out of his chair.

"But that's simply brilliant! In my life, I have never heard something so amazing as that!" Yusef shouted, his voice raised in excitement.

"What is?" Eames asked, exhausted from finally telling his story.

"The fact that your love extended even after death! I told you, you two are made for each other."

Eames groaned. "But he's dead, Yusef. He never loved me. He only wanted to leave."

Yusef waggled a finger at him. "No way. Just believe. The only reason he truly died was because he loved you." He sighed. "Fate is a cruel thing. As soon as he figured out that he loved you, you were torn away from him. That's cruel. But it doesn't mean it's hopeless."

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