Chapter 3

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"Hey! Anya!" I turn to see the same kid from the restaurant. Diego I think it was?"

I grip my purse tightly behind me in case he tries anything but I plaster a smile to my face all the same. It's dark out in the restaurant parking lot.

"Diego, m-my shift is over, do you n-need anything?"

"Yeah, actually I was wondering if I could have your number?" He smirks.

I refrain from rolling my eyes as he stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"Sorry, but I'm not c-comfortable with that - I don't know you a-and I don't do hookups."

I turn to walk away.

"It's alright Anya, I like girls who play hard to get. I'll see you soon," He winks and I do roll my eyes this time, heading back towards home. It's midnight by now and thankfully Aunt Issabelle and Uncle Mark are out with friends tonight. I don't know about Ford though. The night is the worst if he stumbles in from a night drinking - he usually gives me hell but hopefully he's out tonight. It is a Friday.

I keep going down the dark road towards the house, thinking up random beautiful scenarios in my head that will never happen. My dreams...

I catch the scent of smoke, burning my nostrils and my throat. I look up from my converse to see the air dense with smoke and over some of the trees I see flames. Fire.

I start running down the block, covering my mouth and nose with my shirt. At first I'm thankful for my glasses for not letting smoke get in my eyes but I take them off and stuff them in my purse when they get too foggy to see out of. My lungs burn from the smoke and my legs ache from running but I keep going, forgetting all my pain when I see the raging house. A part of me is happy to see it burn, to see all my childhood horrors be destroyed but then I think of Juliet and I push myself to keep going till I'm right in front of it.

I see Ford sitting on the pavement looking dazed and wasted but, no Juliet? I bolt into the burning house, not caring about the sirens of firetrucks getting closer.

Fire surrounds me, the heat boiling my skin and causing sweat to drip off of me. I run towards the stairs and yank on the door, only to pull my hand away hissing from the pain that shoots up my arm. A raw burn is now on my palm and incredibly painful but I bite the bullet and open it quickly with my other hand, holding back my whimper from the burn. When I walk into Juliet's room she's in the corner, hugging her knees to her chest and coughing hysterically.

"J-JULIET! C-COME HERE!" I yell. Her head snaps up to meet mine and she runs towards me, wrapping her arms around my legs as the ceiling over where she just was collapses. I turn us so my back is facing the new heep of burning wood as sparks bite at my skin. I rush us both downstairs and towards the kitchen but the door is blocked by collapsed pieces of furniture. Juliet is still coughing and I soon join her - if we don't get out of here soon we'll be trapped in a burning house or we'll suffocate. I look at the back door to where it is thankfully unblocked by debri but the handle is burning and too hot to touch.

"J-juliet, h-hang onto m-me we're g-gonna run."

I suck in a breath before running my shoulder into the door, a scream escaping me as my shoulder burns up and my clothes catch on fire. I make sure Juliet is out and a safe distance on the ground before rolling on the grass and getting the fire out.

I lay exhausted on the ground, my hands, shoulder and entire body in pain as I pant harshly, trying to get as much air into my hurting lungs. But I jump up as a dark figure approaches us.

"Youlittlebitch," Ford slurs, aiming a misdirected punch my way. I dodge it but he pushes me down.

"Youshouldv'e, beenhere. It'syourfault." I barely understand him as he walks towards Juliet.

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