Chapter 15

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❦ Anya's POV ❦

"So what? No mysterious muscle guy picking you up today?"

I ignore Bentley as I walk out the school doors. I have to be quick.

"Anya, you wanna go to the diner with us?"

I shake my head no at Landon.

"Anya, where are you going?"

I look at them sadly - I know they're confused when it comes to me, and I do value their friendship, but I can't risk them knowing and possibly getting hurt.

I wave goodbye to them one last time before walking in the direction of my Aunt and Uncle's house. I go there fast, trying to get to the house as soon as possible without being seen.
Thankfully there are no cars in the driveway when the house comes into sight.

Okay Anya, you can do this. You need to do this.

I take a few deep breaths, calming my accelerating heartbeat that gets faster with every step towards that god-forsaken door.

You can do this...

I creak the door open, popping my head inside the door and looking around. No one.

As quiet as a mouse, I walk from the foyer to the stairs, holding my breath as each step groans under my weight.

Almost there...

I turn the knob and fling open the door, gasping at the sight in front of me.

Juliet is curled up on the bed, hugging her knees and hiding her face against her legs.

I go towards her and gently touch her arm, but she recoils under my hand and backs away in fear.

No, please no. Anything but this...

I gently tap her arm once, four times, then once again - a secret knock we came up with for fun...

She lifts her head slowly, looking up at me and i shatter under her gaze. She looks tired, too tired for a girl her age. Her skin is slightly sunken at the cheek bones...Have they not fed her?!?

There's a black circle below her eye, near her jaw with purple spots. They've hit her...


I keep my tears in. Stay strong for her, stay strong for her, stay strong for her.

I hold my arms open for her as she wraps her arms tightly around me. She's so much smaller then she used to be.

I rub small, soothing circles on her back as she cries softly into my shirt, shaking as a sob racks through her small body.

I'm here now my baby, I'm here.

I wish I could voice my thoughts to her, but all I could do was physically comfort her - it's enough for now.

I stay with her until the sun has long set, giving her all my extra food and water. She doesn't mind that I don't talk anymore.

"You have to go now, don't you?"

She says sadly, looking up at me from her spot on the bed.

I kneel in front of her and take her hands in mine. I point at her bag and then outside, and then me and then outside again.

"N-no, you can't take me n-now. They'll say you kidnapped me."

I take a deep breath. Stay strong.

I nod and get my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I point at myself and then at my watch and then at the house. I'll be back.

"Come soon,"

I reach down and hug her tightly. I don't want to let go...

"Come back soon, but you have to go now. Ford will be back."

I nod and wipe my eyes, smiling at her. I kiss her forehead then get up, walking out the door and into the night.

I'll come back, my baby. I'll come back and take you away from here, and we'll never see these horrid people ever again.

I start the trek back to the school, expecting Cooper to be waiting in the parking lot.

He's not there.

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