green is the shade...1

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He stood by the door , in a green tuxedo with his hair slicked back and a few strands hanging loosely tugging at his bow tie a few time not taking his eyes off his phone.. good thing he wasn't paying any attention to me as I practically wobbled down the stay I can't remember when last I wore stilettos.

"All done"

He took a quick glance at me and looked back at his phone , before abruptly turning back his attention to me. His eyes held somewhat emotions I couldn't understand.

"Fuck" he cursed

"I'm seriously didn't mean to offend you,plus your mom totally picked this outfit and I sincerely wasn't tryna ehmmm what's it called again match ehmm couple matching stuff ... Plus this is too revealing I'll just go change " I blabbed

"No *clears throat* I mean no you look good". Is that a compliment I hear my jaw definitely did hit the ground

He slipped out a box from his pocket bringing out a sliver band with an enormous diamond on it , placing it on my finger, the weight felt so foreign , yet so beautiful .

"We should leave now" he said and for some reason he placed his hand on my lower back leading me to his Rolls Royce ...

The whole paparazzi drama , plus Devontae acting too touchy he was either placing his hand on my exposed thigh , or my waist he even placed a kiss right next to my lips , was this part of the play a happy couple thing, I simply played along acting like the typical trophy wife as he showed me off.

"Well we'll isn't it pleasant to see the almighty Matteo Devontae" a sultry voice said getting I and Devon's attention , I quickly took her appearance in her tanned skin , her straight dark hair flowing to her waist, face caked up with make up her boobs was probably going to spill out of that  dress anytime soon , and the length didn't do any help , stopping above her mid thighs , with that fake ass smile she had . She engulfed him in a hug before tracing her hand in his biceps , she was clearly flirting and he wasn't stopping her.

"This is my wife Oma, Oma Matteo" he said placing a kiss on my temple , I simply returned the gesture with a tight lipped smile..

" Oh sorry I totally didn't see you there , Camila " I was gonna do a hug but she simply stretched her hand out not even shaking me properly .

" I didn't know you did her type you know black girls"

" Well he does " I sassed back  as I felt hand tighten around my waist and took that as a cue to stop .

" Well Devon if you don't mind could we have a word , in private" she said emphasizing on the word" private "

"Sure" he said placing a kiss on my cheeks leaving me all by myself.

I sat there alone , swirling the flute of champagne in my hand as I watched people chit chat , laugh and dance, it's been thirty minutes or more and he wasn't back .

Just then my gaze met with a familiar green eyes ...

"Hot chocolate?"

"Soda guy "...........

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