signed up for this....

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My eyes searched for an escape route , each time he took a step forward I took two step backward before I got trapped between this god-damned wall and the devil himself ....think , think ...

"Hi D when did you get back? " I blurted out making him halt and give me the are you okay look.

" Don't pretend that you don't know what you just did " he barked I swear some of his saliva touched my face jeez , someone calm grizzly down.

"Did you just call me grizzly, is this some damn joke to you " his gaze not leaving me for a second .

" The daddy part was funny though did you read that from a novel or a movie that shit did sound wack like daddy's gonna make you feel good" mimicking his voice and laughing again ...

"Are you done with your foolery , are you done , you and your sick ass just ruined my damn night " he said in a calm and collected voice which scared the shit out of me

"I sorry , I wish there was something I could do to fix it"

" Even if I was given ten of your damn ugly ,I bet that still won't turn a man damn on " his eyes filled with rage and wait ... disgust

"I'm sorry "

"Crazy bitch and trust me there'll be consequences " muttering curses under his breath Making his way up the stairs .

Just then the delivery man arrived , you should have been early , is there any going back now or was too late but I signed up for this right ....

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So guys three chapters as guys comment vote and comment

Should I make each chapter more lengthy , you've got the power so you decide .... hehehe.


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