Chapter Forty-Three

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Eleanora Hadley rested her head against the window of the bus, her eyes locked on the scenery that ran past her, her fingers tapping absentmindedly on the rim of the windowsill, her usual crossword book open on her lap as a distraction not only to increase her periods of functionality because she knew it wouldn't be a good idea to fall asleep on the bus, a greater potential to miss her stop altogether, but as a distraction from her thoughts. Of Elijah, of Jasper, of her Mum, of Bella and Sydney. 

She had left Forks early that morning, jumping straight on the bus with little goodbye apart from her Mum. Although Ellie was sure that the Cullens didn't really want to see her anyway, a lot of words had been said yesterday, and not in the privacy of her own home. She needed her space and the only way to do it was to jump on the bus to Seattle, something that no one had wanted her to do, whether they said it or not. They were worried about her, that much was clear from the missed calls now decorating the front screen of her phone. A call and voicemail left by Bella, a call from Carlisle, another from Emmett, even Edward had given her a call, but the majority of the screen was decorated with various calls and messages from Jasper. 

He was worried, worried about her and his worry and fears about her getting hurt had blown things away out of proportion. Ellie hadn't been a saint either, she had struck her own blows that had hurt just as much if not more. She wanted to apologise, but some nagging feeling tugged her against it, worried that the second she announced that she was on the way to Seattle that he would force her to turn around, force the entire bus if he had to. She couldn't, especially not now. 

A nasty look was sent her way as her ringtone echoed throughout the bus once more, irritating the middle-aged man who was attempting to read the daily newspaper across from her. 

"Sorry," Ellie sheepishly smiled, placing her phone on silent while she waited for the call from Jasper to ring itself out. She scrolled through the missed calls, her eyes falling on the voicemail left by Bella. Clicking on it, Ellie slowly raised the phone to her ear, her best friend's voice falling from it moments later. 

"Hey, Ellie." Bella Swan greeted. "I'm sure that you are probably on the way to Seattle now. I checked in with your Mum this morning before she went to work and I found out about Elijah. I didn't tell anyone yet, because I assumed there was a reason why you didn't tell Jasper and the rest of us yesterday. I'm so sorry, El. And I'm sorry that I didn't step in earlier yesterday afternoon, it was really heated between you and Jasper and I didn't know how or when was the right moment until it was too late and you were gone. Speaking of Jasper, I'm sure that you are aware because you better have your phone on you or I'm going to seriously question your intelligence. But he's been calling you non-stop, wants to apologise. He's just concerned over you, El. Doesn't want to see you hurt, none of us do. Whether you'll be with Elijah or not, you are still potentially going into a dangerous situation. But I know you'll be safe, make good decisions and come back home once you sort out everything with Elijah and your college visits, just in time for graduation. Can you believe that we are graduating high school, Ellie? Hope to see you back in Forks in two days. As always feel free to ring me but I understand that things are tough right now. See you soon, El. Love you." 

Ellie sighed as Bella's voice faded away, the telltale sound of the beep signalling the end of the voicemail. A chill ran over her body, as she looked around the unfamiliar bus realising just how alone she felt. She hadn't felt this alone ever, the only time she had ever felt close to it was when just after the Cullens had left and Bella was left as nothing but an motionless, depressed sack of bones. At that point, it had felt like her entire support system that she had built herself had faded away entirely. The Cullens, Jasper, Bella had all disappeared just like that, into thin air, leaving Ellie with just her Mum and Sydney, the best support system she could ask for, just missing something. 

As Jasper's name popped up once more, Ellie sighed as Bella's words ran through her head. Rubbing her temples as she felt an unpleasant headache rearing its ugly head, Ellie pressed down to accept Jasper's call, pulling the phone up to her ear. 

"You picked up." Jasper's quiet voice answered from the other end of the phone. 

"Well, it's a long drive to Seattle and I thought we better cap it at fifty unanswered calls." Ellie returned, her voice light as she tried to swat away the still lingering tension. "Besides I would prefer if I didn't get dirty looks every time my phone went off."

"I'd take it you are on the way to Seattle then," Jasper replied. 

"I left about an hour ago," Ellie added. "Now listen Jas-"

"No, I'm sorry, Ellie," Jasper interjected. "I said some really horrible things. I shouldn't have stopped you from going, but I was just worried, worried that you aren't going to come home and I still am."

"Jazz," Ellie said softly interrupting his rambling. "It's okay, I understand and I said some horrible things as well. I'm sorry for that but I'm especially sorry that I haven't been entirely truthful either." 

"You aren't going to Seattle?" Jasper asked. 

"Yeah, I'm going to New York." Ellie joked. "I'm kidding but I didn't tell you the reason behind why I moved the trip to Seattle up to today. Elijah had a car accident and he's in the hospital. He's fine, expected to make a full recovery. He fell asleep after a late night out and so did his friend driving the car. Yet another reminder why they don't let me drive. But that's why I moved it up because I have to go visit him and I threw my college visits forward as well so it's now one trip. Mum coming up to join me in a few days so I won't be alone, so you don't have to worry about that."

"I'm so sorry, Ellie. If I had known I-" Jasper apologised. 

"There's nothing to apologise for. You didn't know because I didn't tell you and I'm sorry that too." 

"Do you need me to come up and stay with you?" 

"No, it's okay. Mum's booked me a hotel room fairly close to the hospital so I'll be fine."

"Okay, El. But do you promise to call me the second anything goes astray?" 

"Promise. My phone will be on me at all times." Ellie reassured. 

"I'm so sorry again, Ellie." Jasper apologised once more. 

"No, it's fine Jazz. You're forgiven, you were about twelve hours ago." Ellie returned. "Although we might have a few communication problems."

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