Chapter Fifty

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The Cullen family stood around the large fire. The flames were crackling as they destroyed the body parts of newborns that were thrown into the flame. 

"Let's just continue starting forest fires, shall we?" A voice entered the clearing. "At least this one is attended." Ellie Hadley continued, her eyes snapping to Edward. 

"Ellie," Jasper breathed, realising that she now stood in front of them, a newborn vampire. 

"I guess that warning was warranted after all. Sue me." Ellie remarked with a large grin, holding her hands up in mock surrender. "But I'm sure we can discuss this later because I'm pretty sure that we have more pressing matters on our hands at the moment."

"How long?" Edward questioned. 

"A few minutes, maybe ten." Alice returned, her eyes finally snapping from Ellie's form. 

"The pack needs to leave," Carlisle announced. "The Volturi won't honour our truce with eh werewolves." He finished as Jacob appeared from the forest in his wolf form. 

A sudden snarl interrupted the conversation, everyone's eyes looking over to where Leah lunged towards a lingering newborn, the newborn quickly overpowering her, wrapping his arms around her neck. 

"Leah, don't!" Edward shouted, immediately moving forward to help. Jacob hurried forward as well, knocking the newborn off Leah. Jacob and the newborn fought for a few seconds before the vampire got the upper hand wrapping his arms around Jacob's ribs, breaking them easily. 

 Ellie's eyes widened at the sound of cracking bones, the Uley pack quickly intervening and taking care of the newborn once and for all, as Jacob changed back to his human form whimpering. 

"Jacob!" Bella and Ellie shouted in unison, both hurrying over the wolf, Ellie beating her best friend by a few considerable seconds. Carlisle and Edward soon joining the newborn as they hovered over Jacob's body. 

"Jacob, hold on, Carlisle's going to take care of you," Edward reassured, Jacob's mouth hanging open in silent cries of pain, Bella crouching down beside him. 

"The bones on the right half of his body are shattered," Carlisle informed. 

"Bella," Jacob muttered, as Bella's face fell into his view. 

"Jake, I'm right here," Bella told him, as the wolf pack in their regular forms ran up to them.

"Jacob, you idiot, I had it!" Leah shouted. 

"Leah!" Sam warned, kneeling beside Jacob. 

"We need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting." Carlisle informed. 

"We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna want a fight with the Volturi." Edward returned, Carlisle, glancing at him briefly. 

"We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam declared.  

"I'll be there as soon as I can." Carlisle turned to the leader with a nod of his head. 

"Hang in there, Jake," Bella said, holding back tears.

"Bells, he'll be okay," Ellie reassured, still keeping her distance from her best friend.

"They're coming," Alice announced as Ellie crossed the field over to Jasper, intertwining her hand with his. He offered her a small smile, squeezing her hand as four figures of the Volturi appeared at the other end of the clearing. 

Ellie immediately recognised Jane, her twin brother Alec, Felix and Demetri from her trip to Italy a good few months ago. They paused on the opposing side of the fire, pulling the hoods from their faces. 

"Impressive," Jane commented, looking around the group. "I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact."

"We were lucky." Carlisle simply returned. 

"I doubt that," Jane replied, her voice monotone. 

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec started. 

"Yes, it is not often we are rendered unnecessary." Jane finished. 

"If you'd arrived a half hour ago you would've fulfilled your purpose," Edward added, holding Bella close to him. 

"Pity," Jane replied, her eyes scanning the group until her gaze found a figure standing at the back of the group. "You missed one."

Ellie whipped around her eyes immediately meeting Bree's nervous ones, a brief look of shock falling across the newborn's face before she dropped Jasper's hand, the blonde watching her carefully as she walked protectively in front of the teenager. 

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," Carlisle stated. 

"That wasn't yours to offer," Jane replied, her gaze falling onto the girl who was peeking around Ellie. "Why did you come?" She continued, Bree immediately letting out shrieks of pain. "Who created you?" Jane interrogating, Bree's screams getting louder as Ellie winced, knowing that there was nothing she could do. 

"You don't need to do that, she'll tell you anything you wanna know," Esme added as Bree's screams ceased. 

"I know." Jane returned with a smirk, turning back to Bree. 

"I don't know. Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." Bree exclaimed, still breathing heavily from the pain Jane had inflicted on her. 

"Her name was Victoria," Edward added. "Perhaps you knew her."

"If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her," Carlisle answered, before turning back to the Guard. "Isn't that right, Jane?" 

"Of course," Jane replied in agreement, before looking to the tallest member on her right. "Felix."

"She didn't know what she was doing!" Esme added, desperately trying to save the girl. "We'll take responsibility for her." 

"Give her a chance." Carlisle requested. 

"El, don't," Edward muttered, catching a passing thought from the brunette as everyone's eyes fell to Ellie. 

"I was turned to fulfil the same purpose. Shouldn't you be getting rid of me as well?" Ellie challenged, stepping forward towards the Volturi Guard members, as everyone around her watched her every move in varying degrees of shock. 

"You are a part of this coven, are you not?" Jane questioned, staring down at the newborn. 

Ellie paused, Carlisle quickly answering the question for her. "Yes, she is."

"Then you shall be spared," Jane announced. "But the Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human."

"The date is set." Bella returned. 

"Take care of that, Felix. I'd like to go home." Jane ordered as Felix stepped forward towards Bree. 

Jasper immediately stepped forward and pulled Ellie out of way, wrapping an arm around her waist. Ellie's final attempt at surviving Bree a clear example to him that she could very easily do something stupid. Ellie leaned back into Jasper's chest, wincing at horrifying scream that left Bree's mouth, shutting out within a second as Felix tore Bree's head clean off, before throwing her body into the still-burning fire. The Volturi exiting Forks moments later.  

Ellie sighed, her eyes falling to Bree's burning body, her broken promise ringing out harshly in her mind. 

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