"The dog!"

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I read books until it was time for dinner....

Andrews POV
Since it was an event we had to wear costumes but I had no idea what Victor was going to wear.
I decided I was going to wear my Train conductor outfit, it was nice yet simple.
I cleaned up my face and brushed my hair once more before putting on my hat, I wonder what Victor was going to wear?
I started walking down to the dining hall but my heart started beating again.
Why wont it stop? I started hitting my chest to see if that helped. It didn't.
It's not like I like him...right? I can't like him. Should I just not go? No that's mean. Maybe I should go but leave after small talk..yeah that's a good plan. No it's not, he will think I hate him. what if I-
"Hey Andrew long time no talk!"  Someone said interrupting my thoughts
"Hey Luca, are you going to dinner too?" Luca had his Viper costume on.
"Nah I'm going to the Garden to hang out with Norton, Emma, Demi, Mike, Tracy, and Naib, so I'm assuming your going to dinner?"
"Yeah, I'm going with Victor."
"O cool want me to walk with you there?"
"Oh yeah sure I guess."
We started walking having a few laughs and chuckles.
"Hey Andrew do you like anybody?" The prisoner asked
"Well yeah I like you, Victor, Aesop"-
"No I mean like romantically, like love" He looked at me and showed off his signature smirk.
I felt a rush of heat go to my face.
"Well..I..Uhm.. I think I like Victor"
"Oh?" His smirk started going wider showing off his fang.
"Well, when I'm around him my heart starts beating really quick and my face starts to heat up"
"Yep sounds like love to me, so are you having dinner with just him or with other people?"
"J..just him.." my heart beat started going faster.
"Oh so its like a date."
"Listen Andrew I'm one of your best friends and you know I'm very honest with you but it sounds like you like Victor and you just need to accept that. Nobody is here to judge you, yeah maybe some people may not like it but its not like they can do anything bout it they just have to suck it up and deal with it; who knows how long we will be in this Manor for so I say you should accept your feelings for him and confess."
Wow first time he has said something non machinery related.
"Yeah but what if these are false feelings or even worse, he doesn't like me in the same way...I'm just some freak anyways.." I put my head down while walking
"Well then he missed his opportunity to be with someone who isn't a freak" Luca said bending over to look at my face.
I lifted my head and just smiled lightly.
"Now go get him and confess! If anything goes wrong remember I'll be in the Garden!" he said as he waved and walked away.
I inhaled and exhaled trying to control my breathing cause my heart was going crazy.
"This is just a dinner with a friend not a date right?" I mumbled under my breath.
The manor is usually set up differently depending on the event.
This was more of a casual event to celebrate rank season coming so there were round tables everywhere with a fancy white cloth on them with a single candle or rose on them. The survivors and hunters that can cook were in the kitchen while Robbie was the host for some reason even though he's a kid?
"Hey Mr.Andrew!"
"Hi Robbie! I like your costume what is it called?" Robbie was a nice Hunter outside of matches so I'm usually really nice to him.
"Forgotten Boy!"
What an unusual name.
"Anyways Mr.Grantz is already here waiting for you! Follow me!" He started skipping away humming but I still followed.
The tables were mostly survivors, for example on one table there was Enchantress and Priestess, another one was Embalmer and Seer, etc.
Usually pets had their own room to eat so they weren't here with us.
I finally saw victor and waved to him. He waved back at me.
Victor was wearing his keyboard costume which fits his appearance but definitely doesn't fit his personality.
"Thank you Robbie!"
"No problem Mr.Grantz! I'll ask you for your order soon!" He said as he put down menus then skipped away.
My face started Heating up again looking at Victor.
I wonder what his feelings are towards me.
"Is there something on my face? you're staring at me."
"Oh sorry I was just thinking."
"Thinking about what?" Victor tilted his head and gave me a confused look as if he was a dog.
"I..it's nothing, anyways how have you been Victor?"
"I have been good, how about you?" Victor was smiling and he looked really cute.
"I'm good" I said in response
We soon ordered our food and continued talking.
"So uhm Andrew I invited you to this dinner because I need to tell you something."
This is my chance.
"I need to tell you something too Victor.."
"Oh ok you can go first!"
"Victor I Like"-
Robbie was giving me my food but dropped it on me breaking the plate.
"Relax it's ok Robbie I can always clean up my outfit"
Just as I said that barking and hissing could be heard with flapping. Everyone went silent.
There was no noise at all until the door flung open with Geisha yelling with that.
"THE PETS!" She yelled while panting
Eli stood up immediately.
"What about the pets?!" Elis hands were clenched into a fist.
I looked over at Victor he looked really worried.
Geisha took a couple of breaths then spoke
Geisha ran out the door with Eli and Aesop following behind. (Ik aesop dosent have a pet he's just following Eli :D)
"Hey Victor you can go"- I looked over at him to see tears falling down his cheeks
"Hey don't cry...It's ok lets go get Luca to help us look for Wick"
He didn't respond or move he just kept crying.
"Victor it's okay stop crying, calm down" I went over to Victor and started to rub his back to calm him down.
He eventually calmed down 5 minutes later but he was still sniffling.
"L..lets go find Wick he might be hurt..." he said quietly as he got up
"Let's go to Luca he's in the garden, he can help us" I gave a soft smile to Victor but he didn't look at me
"You can go ask Luca, I'm going to start looking around.."
"Ok, I'll be back soon don't do anything dangerous" and with that I started running to the garden.
It hurt me to see Victor hurt.
Does his dog really mean that much to him?
I swung the garden doors open panting from all the running I just did.
"LUCA!" I yelled out, Luca turned his head and waved at me. He had a cup of lemonade in one of his hands and a wrench in his other hand.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?"
" the dog!" I said quickly while panting with my hands on my knees
"What dog?"
"Victors dog!"
"Oh Wick! What about him?"
"He's gone victor cry and cant find help us?!"
"I only understood he's gone and help us in that sentence but sure I'll help you find him"
Luca waved goodbye to the others before going inside the manor.
Me, Luca, and Victor were looking for Wick for over an hour, all the other pets have been found but Wick.
We kept searching for a while before the whole Manor was searching for him, you could hear his name being called out everywhere you went in the Manor and the outside
But nobody could find him. Luca ended up taking a break half way through to go drink some lemonade and hasn't come back since.
Victor was practically sobbing on the couch holding one of the pillows. Victor loved Wick and told me all the stories he had of him and Wick.
"Alright I'm done with this."
"Huh?" Victor gave me a confused look through his tears it pained me to see him like this
"Victor try to go get some sleep, I'll stay up for as long as I need to so I can find Wick by tomorrow morning"
"B..but Andrew"-
"No buts! Go to sleep now I promise I will find Wick so goodnight!"
Victor stood up and gave me a smile before walking away still with one of the couches pillows in his hands.
I sighed and got up off of the couch.
"This was gonna be a long night"
I started walking around looking for Wick, most of the survivors were asleep so I wasn't calling Wicks name anymore which made this 100x harder.
I ended up finding a part of the Manor nobody goes to and going into a room with a whole bunch of books about the Manor.
What caught my eye was a pile of books on top of the desk telling us about what everybody did before coming to the Manor suddenly..
I turned my head quickly to see the closed door was now currently open.
"Oh it's just you" I said
"Wow rude much heh" Luca let himself in the room looking at all the dusty books..

Victors POV (this should be nice <3)
"I can't sleepppp I'm too worried about Wickkkk" I complained to myself
"OH maybe I can help Andrew look for Wick!"
I shot my body up and off my bed, I was now in my pj's which was just a black long sleeve shirt with long baggy jogging pants but I didn't really care.
"Hey Victor!"
I didn't bring my notepad with me but I guess I can use my voice since it's just Aesop
"I thought Andrew told you to sleep?"
He didn't mention my voice?
"Y..yeah but I can't sleep..do you know where Andrew is?"
"Yeah he went down that hall then took a left!"
"Oh..uhm..ok thanks.."
"No problem! By the way I like the plushy!" He said chuckling a little
I totally forgot I was holding my favourite dog teddy.
I started blushing from embarrassment so I waved goodbye quickly and sped walk down the hall Aesop pointed to.
I was walking down the hall and saw a room. I heard Andrews voice coming from it but I couldn't hear what he was saying but I didn't care and walked to the room anyways. I peeped inside the room to see something that made my heart drop, hurt, and leave a hole in it, it was..
..Luca and Andrew kissing..

ANYWAYSSSSSSS HAHA LOL GET REKT VICTOR no I'm kidding victor I lauv you, sorry Victor mwah <3
Also sorry this is a shorter chapter but whatever :D
{words: 1916}
- Kia

His feelings towards me {Identityv PostmanxGravekeeper/ AndrewxVictor}Where stories live. Discover now