Part 3

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I wasn't expecting this to at least get 1 read so I was going to stop but this motivated me for some reason so here, enjoy reading this 😀👍

"It was..Luca and Andrew kissing.."

Victors POV
I didn't know what to do.
I just ran.
My face is wet.
My mind is fuzzy.
I can hear someone yelling my name.
Just keep running.
Don't stop running.
Go to your room.
You'll be safe there.
I'm too tired for this right now.
Just run...
I started to speed up while running up the stairs to get to my room.
Why did the hallway get so long all of a sudden.
I don't care just continue running.
After what felt like hours I made it to my room.
I threw myself onto my bed and sobbed into one of my pillows while hearing the chatter of the other survivors downstairs in the main hall..
"What happened to Victor"-
"He probably got hurt or something cause he's a little baby"-
"Why is Victor Crying"-
"I dunno he just ran before I could talk to him"-
"Victor is probably just sad because of his dog haha"-
"I wonder what hurt him or who"-
The voices cut off from there I couldn't hear what everyone else was saying it became muffled and fuzzy.
I don't like that name.
A monster.
A freak.
A wonderful, beautiful human being who doesn't share the same feelings as me..
" anybody in there? It's Aesop and Eli.."
I slid a note under the door saying "just a second!"
I wiped my face of the tears, I also blew my nose because it was runny from all the crying.
I fixed my bed and picked up a book and placed it open on my bed to make it look like I was reading for a while instead of crying.
I opened the door.
"H..hi Aesop.."
"HE TALKS????"
Aesop flicked Eli's head after he said that.
I couldn't help but giggle a little, Aesop gave a small smile through his eyes and walked into my bedroom.
I sat criss cross ( APPLE SAUCE IM SORRY IF I DIDN'T SAY THAT IT WOULD'VE KILLED ME) on my bed with Aesop sitting normally beside me while Eli sat in my desks chair.
Aesop took off  his mask to show the worried expression he had.
"Victor I know we don't talk a lot and it's completely fine not to answer but, What's wrong why were you crying? Is it about Wick? Well we found him! Emily is taking care of him because he's hurt a little but he's fine!" He told me as he put his hand on my shoulder
"No it's not about him..'
I got even more sad to the thought that Wick was hurt and I wasn't there for him.
Eli was playing with all my feather pens but turned his attention to me and talked to me instead of Aesop talking.
"Then whats wrong? If you're more comfortable talking to Aesop I can leave if you want"-
"Nonono, it's okay I don't mind you being here.."
"Ok so whats wrong? Andrew is worried about you, he saw you running and crying.." Aesop said giving an even more worried look.
To hear that name pains me so much now..I love him....but he doesn't love me...
I started bawling grabbing onto Aesops arm and crying into his shoulder, Aesop started rubbing my back instead of his hand on my reminds me of Andrew...
I cant stop thinking of him and Luca kissing.
I started crying even harder.
"Eli go get a glass of water and the cookies Victor likes from the kitchen please.."
Luca knew I liked Andrew.
Why would he do this to me.
Was it to see me miserable.
Andrew never liked me and never will.
Maybe he knew my feelings for him and wanted to make fun of me.
"Shhh its okay Victor, its ok don't cry.."
I couldn't stop crying no matter how hard I tried.
I'm sorry Aesop.
I'm sorry Eli.
I'm sorry everyone.
I'm probably just bothering you.
10 minutes later I finally stopped crying, Eli finally got back with the stuff Aesop asked him to get.
"Jeez what took you so long" Aesop asked giving a glare at Eli
"Hey it's not my fault the girls were in the way to the kitchen"
"It's fine Aesop, I don't really mind how long he took."
I drank the water while eating the cookies, I wanted milk not water but this is fine too I guess.
We talked for a while until it was midnight when the same question came up again..
"So Victor want to talk about what happened or not yet?" Eli asked me chewing on one of my feather pens while his owl looked at him disturbed.
"Yeah let's talk about it now.."
I sat up straight because I was previously laying down.
"So u..uhm how do I say this.. I like boys.."-
"ME TOO!" Eli yelled while raising and waving his hand.
Not even a second later Aesop threw a book at his head hitting him.
"OWW! WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!" Eli whined
"W..wait you like boys too? I mean romantically and stuff like that..?"
"What about you Aeso'-
"Me and Aesop are dating man, isn't that obvious?"
Aesop threw another book at his head
Aesop threw another book without Eli noticing so it hit him, Me and Aesop were laughing while rolling around on the bed.
After we all calmed down I went back to the point.
"U..uhm anyways I like Andrew and I saw him.."
I started tearing up again.
"Hey its ok, take you time.." Aesop said in a soft voice to me.
After I  calmed down I continued..
"I saw him kissing Luca, he probably hates me.."
I saw Aesop look at Eli then look at me...
"He doesn't hate you Victor"
"Oh yeah? How do you know that?"
"How do you know he hates you? Also it's just a feeling" Aesop winked, then smiled at me
"Me and Eli are going to go now since it's already 1 am, and you should get some rest so goodnight!"
soon after they left I fell into a deep slumber.

His feelings towards me {Identityv PostmanxGravekeeper/ AndrewxVictor}Where stories live. Discover now