"Mr.Balsa.." (art done by me)

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Phase 2 is now in action...

Victors POV

The next day...

"Mmmm who is it?" I asked tossing and turning in my bed
"It's me Emily, there's a new survivor I want you to meet"
Emily along with my closest friends are aloud to hear my voice, the only
Reason I let her hear my voice in the first place is because she kept on forcing me one day which was annoying.
"It's 4AM just 5 more minutes please!"
I heard footsteps leave my door so I knew she was gone
"Finally she left us alone Wick"
I allow Wick to sleep on my bed so I can just cuddle with him
I shot my body up and screamed from the sudden noise waking up Wick so
He started barking waking up the other survivors.
"Naib!" I yelled plopping back down in my bed
I heard someone yell so I calmed Wick down.
"So why did you break down my door?"
"Oh uh Ms.Emily told me to"
Naib came and sat on my bed to pet Wick,
"and why did she tell you to do that?"
I put my head on Naib's lap as he started brushing my hair with his hands while still petting Wick
"I told you I wanted you to meet the new survivor."
Emily crossed her arms in the doorway
"Here ya go Vic!"
Naib handed me my notepad so I could talk to the survivor along with my hat.
We were in the hallway about to enter the common room
"Oh and one thing about the New survivor"
I gave a hum in response
"He has a bit of an attitude" Naib sighed
We opened the door to most of the survivors surrounding something in a circle, well more like somebody.
"Look at this freak!"
It was a man pushing down Luca..
I ran into the circle and fell on my knees next to Luca,
"Luca are you okay?" I whispered to him
"Yeah I'm fine" he said getting back up.
"Wow the train wreck is back up" the man scoffed while rolling his eyes
"Leave him alone!" I wrote on my notepad and showed him
"Aw a mute how cute."
The man slapped me and pushed Luca back down,
I held my face and glared at him.
"Aw what is the tiny mute gonna do? Yell?"
He laughed at his own comment,
People were yelling
"Don't mind if I do."
Luca shot his body up and dusted his pants once more
"Stay back Victor I don't want you getting hurt"
He gave a tiny smile then charged at the man.
The crowd was cheering as Luca pushed the man to the floor,
"Push him off of you Edgar!"
"Punch him Luca!"
So his name is Edgar..nice to know..
Luca tried to punch Edgar but he managed to push him off.
"Guess the train wreck learned how to fight in that tiny prison cell"
Edgar threw a punch at Luca but he dogged it and kneed Edgar's stomach,
Edgar pushed Luca to the ground and sat on top of him and started punching Luca repeatedly.
"Aw look at this little bruise, it would be a shame if someone made it worse.."
Edgar said as he started stroking Luca's cheek as he struggled to get up
"Come on get up Luca!"
"Edgar punch him already!"
Luca managed to get him off and got up quickly and pulled Edgar by the collar getting ready to punch,
Edgar started scratching at Luca's face, he kneed Luca and pinned him to a wall choking him.
"The tiny little boy obviously didn't learn his punishment from the sh0ck machine"
Luca was gasping for air and was trying to struggle out of his grip but it was no use,
With every breath Luca took Edgar was pushing his throat harder...
Luca is going to faint if I don't do anything...
Victor do something!
Be useful for once!
Victor MOVE!-
I ran up to Edgar and started clawing at his back not knowing what to do, somehow that worked no he let go of Luca.
Luca was on the floor gasping for air with tears running down his face..
"Aw how cute the little mute is trying to help his 'boyfriend',
You're so weak its actually funny!"
Edgar was obviously stronger than I was,
all I did was save a dog from a fire..
without thinking I slapped Edgar and
I slammed my foot into the ground
Edgar kissed his teeth and looked back at me
"Slamming your foot? Ha! What's that gonna do"-
Wick came and bit Edgars leg because of the action I did but Edgar threw Wick off of him and thats when I knew
I messed up-
"You shouldn't be fighting, especially the new survivor" Ms.Emily exclaimed,
I sat on the hospital bed silent looking at my lap...
I was covered in scratches and bruises...
Edgar was sitting right beside me drinking hot coco
"Oh yeah sorry about that, I get a little out of hand when bored"
Edgar gave me a little smile and handed me a cup of hot coco,
He was also holding some sort of sketch book..
"It's okay, thanks"
I drank the hot coco which burnt my lip as Emily was bandaging my arm.
"You're really cute for a boy, no wonder Mr.balsa is pretending to like you."
Edgar mumbled
I gave a confused look
"What do you mean?" I asked looking up at him showing him my notepad,
"It's your turn Edgar"
Emily took off Edgars shirt and bandage some of the scratches I gave him.
"It's nothing, never mind" Edgar responded with
"Come in"
Edgar said while still sketching something
"Hey, I came to check up on Luca"
Andrew came in the room and sat beside Luca who was sleeping,
I glared at Andrew
"hm so you're the famous Andrew Kreiss"
Edgar got up and started examining Andrew which made him uncomfortable.
Luca started shuffling around then woke up,
"Oh hi"
Luca looked around the room
"Oh victor are you okay?"
Luca got up and sat down on my bed putting his hand on my forehead to check if I had a fever or something
"Yeah I'm fine.." I whispered so only he could hear
"I..I'm sorry but is something happening between you two?"
Andrew gave me a tiny frown then looked at Luca pitifully
He's so annoying.
"No nothings going on, I promise"
Luca got up and gave Andrew a kiss on the cheek then gave me a small smirk,
"Well I should get going, I'll leave you all to yourself"
Emily left the room.
"So when are you going to tell them Luca"
Edgar asked not looking up from his sketch book,
Luca gave a glare at him.
"I..Is something wrong Luca, what do you have to tell us?"
Andrew asked quietly while stuttering,
"What do you have to tell us Luca?"
I whispered quietly..
"Mr.Balsa may I?"
Edgar asked
Which Luca responded with
"Uhm..I would prefer you didn't "
He sighed and plopped down onto his hospital bed.
"Alrighty then, here take this" Edgar sighed, he gave me a picture...
The sketch he was drawing the whole time it was
Luca wearing a crown with me and Andrew at the bottom of his feet...
"Erm well I'm going to go, Valden come with I want you to paint something"
Luca got up and left in a hurry,
"See you losers later."
Edgar got up, snickered and went after Luca.
me and Andrew just stared at each other,
"C..can I see?"
I handed him the picture which he gave a confused look
"What does this mean?"
"I'm not sure.."
There was an awkward silence so I decided to break it
"Do you want to join me in a rank match?"
I gave a fake smile,
"I..I really shouldn't, I've been doing really bad recently.."
I gave a sinister smile but hid it after I realized I was doing it,
"Oh come on! You can't be doing that bad!"
I gave another fake smile
"Vic I went from place 5 to place 20 out of 29 people! If it wasn't for the survivors who don't play rank and Edgar
I would be in last right now.."
"Hey I'm sure"-
I was cut of by the Manors speakers
"So it has appeared that some of the ciphers and rocket chairs have been rigged,
Therefore we have decided to call off all Matches for the week and reset everyone's point count and tier.
we are truly sorry for the inconvenience therefore you have been given access to wear your
Costumes out of matches for all of rank season, thank you for listening."
There were sudden loud cheers coming from the hallway,
"What are me and Luca going to do now..."
I murmured
"Sorry what was that?"
"I..It's nothing.."
I responded with and left the room,
Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and threw me in their room on the bed.
"Hey! What's the big idea Naib!" I yelled
"THEY LET ME HAVE IT BACK!" He yelled back
"Have what back?"
He showed me blue hair dye and a blue cat paws,
"Oh don't you dare."
"Oh I will dare."
He gave a small snicker and ran into the bathroom,
I knocked on the door
"I'm going to put on my costume so bye.."
I left his room and went to mine
I was wearing my keyboard Outfit talking to Mike who was in his Mr.Swift's outfit,
I'm guessing they let everyone have their limited costumes back.
"So how's it going with Andrew and Luca?"
Mike is one of my closest friends so I tell him almost everything,
"Uhm I..uh...I have a bad feeling about Edgar.."
"The new survivor?"
"Yeah, he gave me this"
I handed Mike the sketch
"Wow this is really good but what does it mean?"
"I'm not sure"
"What are you and Luca going to do about the stuff being fixed?"
"I'm still not sure"
"Well the best thing you can is stay smiling!"
Mike grabbed the side of my cheeks forcing me to smile which made me genuinely smile and laugh
Mike yelled catching everybody's attention
He yelled and everyone pointed to the garden,
We walked to the garden and found Norton writing something which Mike yelled
"Nooty catch me!"
Mike ran and full speed at Norton and jumped on him in which he caught him
"Hi Mikey how have you been?"
He planted a kiss on Mikes forehead and put him down
"I've been good!"
I walked up to them
"Oh hey Vic!"
I gave him a smile but suddenly Mike grabbed me forcing me to hug Norton
"Me and Nooty are Dating! Also see Norton! his hugs are amazing!"
"Well you're not wrong there"
Norton chuckled then let go of me and brushed his clothes with his hands,
"That's amazing! I can't believe you guys are dating! Mikes had the biggest crush on you for the longest time!"
I showed norton my notepad and mike peeped to look at what it said,
Norton flicked Mikes head and said
"Wow didn't know I had a stalker"
"Hey victor that was supposed to be a secret!"
Mike pouted as Norton laughed at him,
"So what are you writing?" I asked
"Oh a poem, mikes been trying to get me to do more hobbies instead of laying around all day."
Mike took Norton's notepad and read it...
"Do you like it?"
Norton gave a soft sweet smile
"Mhm! It's really good!"
Mike showed me the notepad
"Isn't it amazing vic!"
Oh that's what he's doing-
"Mhm!" I nodded my head in agreement,
"Well me and Vic are going to go make cookies so talk to you later Nooty!"
Me and Mike waved goodbye and went inside the manor to which I asked..
"So what did the poem say?"
"Honestly I have no idea, his writing is impossible to read!"
Mike slouched down whining,
"Here let's go make the cookies and maybe I can help you and Luca with your little problem!"
Mike suddenly shot up, grabbed my hand and pulled me to the kitchen.
"It's fine it's just frosting!"
Mike made the frosting container explode,
Well now it's all over us so we are basically the container now.
"Meow~" a random voice said
"I swear to god."
"What is it Vic?
"It's him."
"Now what do we have here~"
Naib appeared on the kitchen counter licking some of the frosting, for some reason the Owners thought it would be a good idea to let Naib go invisible when he's wearing that outfit in the manor. No wonder it's limited.
"So what's up with you and Andrew I've been listening to what you and Mike were talking about...so you and Luca rigged the system to bring down Andrew, don't you have a crush on Andrew?"
"I...uh.." I didn't know what to say
"He did until Andrew ended up being a di"-
Naib threw a spatula and Mike
"So Victor want to tell me what happened~" Naib said while grazing his finger on the counter to eat some more frosting,
I filled Naib in on the so called 'Drama' with me and Andrew.
"I say you go to his room" Naib suggested
"Who's room?"
I asked putting the cookies in the oven while Mike was getting a slice of cake,
"why would he go to Edgars room dummy!"
Mike threw a cooking book at Naib,
"To ask him about the drawing DUMMY!"
Naib threw the book back at mike but instead of it hitting mike,
it hit the cake making it go all over the walls..
Me, Naib, and Mike looked at each other
"Hey boys did you see the cake I made, it's for a tea party for Michiko and Mar"-
Vera stood there stunned looking at the smashed cake now clenching her fists
"SCATTER!" Naib yelled throwing a glass on the floor,
Naib ran into a different direction while me and Mike ran the same way.
I heard Vera yell as I ran down the hallway,
"I think we're safe" I said stopping in front of a room catching my breath,
"Poor Naib" Me and Mike lightly laughed still trying to catch out breath.
Me and Mike looked at each other as we hear muffled voices,
there was a crack in the door in front of somebody's room; I'm assuming It's Edgar's new room..
"Who wants to look?" Mike Whispered,
Mike played paper while I played scissors...
(You all know where this is going, once again I'm so sorry Victor"
I peeped through the crack into Edgars room....
Nobody's POV
Edgar was cuddling Luca and kissing him well more like making out with him..
They pulled away,
"Shh, It's okay just call me Luca, I'm not in the hands of my mentor anymore so no need for formalities.."
"B..but Luca"-
Luca pulled Edgar into another kiss then pulled away again.
"Don't worry I remember you now Edgar, also no need to worry we're in the safety of the manor..Nobody not even my mentor can stop our relationship now at least not like before..."
"A..alright... I love you Luca..."
"I Love you too Valden.."
Luca pulled Edgar into another kiss

{words: 2672}

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