Halloween special🍄

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IMPORTANT: this is where Victor and Andrew are already together so this is not apart of the main story (basically this is a side story)

(Missing paragraph Fixed)
Victor POV
I woke up in a warm, comfy, cozy bed.
I looked around me and realized I was in Andrews room, I looked at his desk where he was sleeping peacefully in his chair with his head laying in his hands, I was going to ruin that peace.
'Tap Tap Tap'
I walked as quietly as I could towards Andrew,
Andrews long baggy pants I was wearing helped reduce the amount of noise I made,
Andrew got up in a shock looking around, once he saw me he rolled his eyes.
"Happy Halloween Andrew!" I yelled hugging him from behind
"And why did you wake me up" he growled while holding my hands
"I'm sorry! I wanted to show you my costume!"
He scoffed then got up
"Alright, change into your costume"
He said getting his own costume from the closet
"Alright, be right back!" I grabbed my costume from underneath Andrews bed where I left it then ran into the bathroom to change.
15 minutes later..
"Victor! Hurry up!" Andrew yelled
"Sorry I took so long! But look!"
I opened the door and twirled for him,
He laughed.
"What's so funny" I asked.
He got up from his bed where he was sitting and walked up to me and cupped my face with his hands
"You, you're so cute" he whispered then gave me a quick kiss on my lips.
A rush of heat came to my face.
God I love him so much.
"Come on, I heard they were making pumpkin shaped pancakes"
Andrew grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.
We went to the holiday restaurant we had and went inside, Norton and Mike came up to us holding hands like always.
Norton let go of Mike's hand and shook Andrew
"DUDE YOU LOOK AMAZING! HOW DID YOU DO THAT!" Norton had stars in his eyes while looking at Andrews costume,
Andrew was dressed up as a skeleton (yes this was based off of hunter Andrew) and surprisingly he's really good with makeup.
Mike hugged me and pulled me to where everyone else was, Mike and I agreed to dress up as hunters along with a few other people; Mike was dressed as Smiley/Joker while I was dressed as Joseph's midnight costume
We sat with Eli, Aesop, and Naib while Demi was our waitress wearing a devil costume.
"Hey Demi give me and Victor a shot!"
"Alright!" Demi said walking away,
Soon Demi handed us 2 drinks.
"I..uh..Mike I don't drink..." I said pushing the glass away from me.
"Well more for me then!" Mike grabbed my glass.
"What would y'all like to drink this fine mornin" Demi asked while handing us menus and getting out her notepad.
"Me, Naib, and Aesop will take water with no ice please" Eli said while Demi wrote that down,
Eli was dressed up as a owl which fits him perfectly.
"I want another shot please!" Mike said while raising his glass
"Mike you shouldn't be drinking so much it's only the morning" Norton said sitting down with Andrew beside him.
"Water for Mike it is then! How bout you boys?" Demi continued writing
"Just cold water please for the both of us" Norton said
"Uh huh, and you victor?" Demi asked
Demi gave me a confused hum
"Milk please..." I said quietly .
Aesop whispered loud enough for me to hear
"I want milk too.."
"Alright so milk for Victor and Aesop please"
Eli said louder and clearer for us which was somewhat embarrassing.
Demi came back with all our drinks,
We soon all ordered the same thing which was Halloween pancakes.
We all started eating while everyone was talking, me and Aesop stayed quiet.
Once we finished up me, Aesop, and Mike went to the garden to hang out, we were all really good friends believe it or not.
"So Mike truth or dare" Aesop asked
"Hmmm, maybe dare!"
Aesop's blank expression turned into an evil smirk
"I dare you and Victor to kiss lip to lip"
"Hey it's his dare not mine! why do I have to be apart of it!" I whined while pouting.
We all laughed while Mike gave me a quick kiss on the lips then we laughed it off.
"So how are you and Eli doing Aesop?" I asked
"We're doing fine, Eli has the cutest reactions when I tease him! How about you Mike?"
"Jeez even I can agree with you on that one"
Aesop saidWhile We all laughed,
"And you Victor?" Mike asked smiling like always
"Me and Andrew are"-
"Shsh quiet down! And yes we are" I mumbled and started blushing at the last thing I said.
"I mean how could you not tell? Look at how lovey dovey they get around each other!"
A voice said.
We all looked and it was Luca!
"Heh I guess you're right" I said sheepishly
"Hey Vic, I came to your room this morning but you weren't there, where were you?"
"I was in Andrews room the whole night"
"Aww no fair!" Mike said with Aesop laughing.
"Norton always Kicks me out his room once the clock hits 8!" Mike whined
"Really? Eli let's me sleep in his room sometimes" Aesop said laughing at Mike
"Bold of you to assume Tracy spends time with me" Luca said joking leaning on mikes shoulder
Everybody laughed at that comment.
we talked for 5 more minutes until
"And the BOOM I"-
Mike was cut off by the Manors speakers
"Everybody please meet in the dining hall in 10 minutes"
"We better get going then, You can finish your story on the way there Mike!" I said happily
We walked as Mike continued his story.
When we got there everybody was already there except for like 2 people, I found Andrew and everybody else followed me
"Andrew hiiiii!!" I said hugging Andrew from behind, Andrew turned around to hug me properly.
"Awww look at the lovebirds~" Mike said teasingly
"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Luca chanted quietly adding to the tease
"Victor" Andrew gave me a glare still holding on to me
"I'm sorry! It just slipped out by accident" I hugged Andrew tighter while he gave me a kiss on my head.
"Aww how cute~" Luca said poking my face
"I..I cant...I...I don't like it here..I want to go to my room..." Aesop started panicking, he dosent like big, loud, crowds.
Eli popped out of nowhere and hugged Aesop "Close your eyes and do square breathing, hold in for 4 seconds" he told him.
Aesop breathed in
"Now exhale for 4 seconds"
Aesop exhaled, Eli let go of aesop
He did that for a couple more times until he was fine again.
"Your shorter then I remember Eli!" Norton popped out of the big crowed hugging Eli from behind ruffling his hair
"That's not fair look at how short"-
We all stopped talking
"alright so Halloween activities will be starting and"-
Emily was cut off buy everybody cheering, once the cheering died down she continued.
"I want to remind the survivors and Hunters that this is a no killing, no stunning day! Some survivors and hunters will be in charge of activities so please be nice! The activities require tickets and the ticket prices are the amount of points you have, we wont be taking away your points! So think of the points as your money that we wont be taking away! Last but not least have fun! Please head to the ticket stand and form 2 lanes for tickets!" And with that Emily went to the ticket stand and sat in one of the chairs while Xie (white guard) sat in the other.
Our friend group looked at Norton and Andrew.
"Nuh uh, no way!" Norton said closing his eyes and crossing his arms
"Come on Norty! You guys are in the top 5 rank so you get more tickets!' Mike said shaking Norton
"Andrew?" I asked
"No thanks, I'm only gonna give them to you" Andrew said patting my head
Everybody looked at Norton.
He started getting nervous and was breaking his stance
"I..no!" He puffed up his chest
"Oh..ok..I thought maybe you might love me for today..." mike said starting to cry
"WAIT FINE! Mike don't cry please!" Norton rushed over to mike
"YAY! NO TAKE BACKS! I LOVE YOU NORTON!" Mike yelled jumping and hugging Norton
"I hate it when you fake cry" Norton sighed
"I know" mike said smirking
"Can we go now?" Naib said
"Woah, when did you get here?" Eli asked
"I was here the whole time?"
Eli fake coughed then said quickly "Short"-
"HEY I"-
"C..can we go now?" I asked and started dragging Aesop and Mike with Luca following
"Let's go" I heard Andrew say behind me
"Here are your tickets, they are split in half and we can always get more later" Norton said as Andrew handed me some of his tickets
"Let's split up, ill be with Luca, mike and Norton, Eli and Aesop, and Victor and Andrew, does that sound good?" Naib asked and everyone agreed.
I grabbed a flyer from the floor and Read it
"Andrew" I said still looking at the flyer while tugging on his sleeve.
He hummed in response
"Can we do this?" I pointed to the apple bobbing part
He looked over my shoulder
"Sure it says its outside so lets go"
We waved goodbye to everyone and headed out to the garden.
Kevin was there bobbing for an apple but came up with nothing
"This is impossible!" He complained
We walked over
"Would you like to try?" Guard 26 was in charge of this station
"Sure how many?"Andrew starting getting his tickets ready
"2 tickets please" Andrew handed him two tickets
"You wanna go?" Andrew asked
"Well I really can't with the stitching on my mouth" I responded with
"Well why did you wanna start here then?" He said confused
"I dunno it seemed interesting"
"Okay then?" Andrew went over to the bucket thing?
Andrew put his head down
"Don't even try it's a scam, it's literally impossible" Kevin said rolling his eyes then continued talking to Vera.
Andrew came and pulled his head up
"We have our first winner!" Guard 26 yelled.
Andrew had an apple in his mouth!
"HOW?" Kevin yelled as Vera was laughing her head off.
"Now pick your prize" 26 ( I'm just gonna say 26) said
"Prize?" I asked
"Yup at most of these attractions there's prizes!" 26 said showing us all the prizes
"I'll take that please" Andrew pointed to a balloon sledge hammer
26 handed him the ballon "Here you go! Also keep the apple as an extra prize"
Naib and Luca suddenly ran up to us
"Can we borrow that?" Luca asked pointing to the apple
"Sure?" Andrew handed him the apple, Luca gave the apple to Naib and he chucked it at one of the Manors Windows.
"I TOLD YOU TO STOP DOING THAT!" Mary (bloody queen) yelled starting to run to them
Luca and Naib were laughing and starting to run from her
"See ya! And thanks for the apple!" Luca yelled as they went back inside
"Uhm? Okay then...What do you wanna do now?" Andrew asked
I looked at the flyer
"Hmm we can do the horror corn maze or the haunted house, but the haunted house doesn't give prizes but the corn maze does"
I looked at him
"So what do you want to do? Haunted house or haunted corn maze?"
"M..maybe corn maze?"
"Ok! Let's go!"
"Hi Mr.Grantz and Mr.Kress! Wanna try the corn maze?" Tracy asked us
"Tracy you're our friend just call us by our first names" Andrew said
"O..oh sorry Mr.Kre..I mean Andrew! So do you wanna?" She said still asking us
"Yeah sure."
"That will be 5 tickets please!"
I handed her some of my tickets instead this time.
"Great! We just needed two more people anyways! The rules are simple, no going through the corn so that means only follow the paths, please don't destroy any props! You will also be given a map since this maze is hard so please don't lose or ruin the map! Robbie is at the other end of the maze so once your done go up to him and get your time stamp written! First 2 out win prizes! Let me stamp you real quick!"
Tracy stamped both of our hands with our beginning time.
We lined up to where I see Joseph(photographer) and Michiko (Geisha)
"Alright I forgot to mention! You are allowed to use your ability's!"
Michiko smirked.
She has the most advantage here.
"On your mark...get set..."
"GO!" Joseph yelled getting a head start
We all ran into the maze after him
"Hey that's my job *le cri in robot* anyways I'm hungry" Tracy said leaving to go eat
Everybody split up as soon as we got in, everywhere in the map looked the same so I was lost.
I screamed as I fell to the floor
It was a prop in the maze that was meant to scare you, well it did its job.
Wick started whimpering.
"Aw I'm sorry I forgot you hate scary things!"
I picked him up and started petting him as I walked.
Screams were filling the air from the maze.
"H..help me!"
I heard a voice come from the corner, I can choose to ignore it or go to it..
I'm going to ignore it of course..
"I..it's A..Andrew!"
I ran to the corner to get jump scared by another prop.
I dropped wick when I fell so the prop dragged Wick in the corn stalks,
Wick was whimpering loud but there was echos everywhere so I couldn't tell where it was coming from.
I looked around, I was completely lost.
I turned the corner and
"Oh I'm so sorry!" I apologized
"Hmph, you should be" Joseph said pushing me out the way
"W..wait Joseph!" I tugged on his arm
"What do you want." He asked pushing me off of him and crossing his arms
"Can you help me I'm lost"
He turned around then walked away.
"Rude much.." I murmured
"Excuse me?" I heard Joseph say
"Don't tell anyone what I just did, oh and also if I see you again at all today its not going to be pretty"
Joseph hit my back with his sword and my shirt and jacket were stain blood red and were ripped, luckily I have a spare clothes of the same costume in my bag so I'll just change into that and I can just bandage myself up.
20 mins later...
I took too long to get out and new people wanted to go in the maze so Tracy's robot had to help me out the maze,
When I got out Andrew ran up to me
"Victor! Where were you! Did you get lost! Are you hurt!"
Andrew started to inspect my body for any injuries.
Joseph Glared at me as he was talking with Michiko
"I'm fine I promise, I just got lost!" I reassured him
Joseph looked away from me as I sighed.
"Wick is here by the way! Robbie wanted to pet him so he made one of the props drag him out the maze"
Andrew said picking up wick and handing him to me, I gave Wick a couple of head pats then put him on the floor.
"What place did you get? Also what should we do next" I asked while giving Andrew a smile
"I came second to Michiko and got an Accessory for when I go into matches, hmm we should do the mini games they seem like fun"
"Alright lets go!"
me and Andrew have been doing mini games and hanging out with people for about two hours  and 30mins now but something caught my eye,
A Teddy That's A Light Brown Dog That Looks Exactly Like Wick.
I tugged on Andrews shoulder and pointed to the teddy
"I want that"
He gave me a confused hum then realized
"Oh the dog plushy? Sure but thats the mini game everyone has been complaining about that's impossible"
"I don't care, I want it!" I dragged Andrew to a crowd of people that were watching the others play the mini game and fail miserably,
It was the game everybody hates the most...
Ring toss on a bottle.
Naib just lost as we got there, the crowd started booing as Norton asked
"Any other takers?"
Fan ( black guard) pushed some of the survivors out the way
"I want to try! You need a Hunters hand for this game" Fan said while placing down 4 tickets
"Alright place down your bets!" Norton yelled
Murmurs were going around as people started placing down a mix of tickets and Money
I dragged Andrew closer to the stand to watch
"The bottles are ready when you are" Norton said quietly to Fan now leaning against a pole with a huge smirk on his face.
Fan had a total of 10 rings, he threw 3 before throwing the rest all at once,
He got none in.
"Aw such a shame! What happened to that hunters hand?" Norton chuckle, Fan growled at him as the crowd booed at them
"Anybody else wanna try?" Norton yelled
"We will try!" I raised my hand rushing to Norton still dragging Andrew.
Andrew sighed as he put 4 tickets down and asked quietly
"What are the rules.."
"It's pretty simple,  you get 10 rings and have to throw it on the bottle, how the betting works is if you get a ring on the bottle you get all the money that has been betted so far! However if you lose.."
"You get nothing?"
"Yep! You can try as many times as you want!" He gave a smirk
"Ok...why are you even working at this stand?" Andrew asked
"Eh? Mary asked my to cover for her" Norton responded with while placing down the rings
"Alright everybody place your bets!" Norton yelled raising his hands up
Even more murmurs went around.
People started placing down less money and tickets,
I listened to what they were saying to see why
"He has really poor eyesight so I'll just put 5 tickets"
"True I'll just put 10 dollars then"
"He seems weak I'm not going to bet a lot"
Apparently Andrew was also listening to them so he started whispering profanity's
25 minutes later...
"THIS GAME IS SO *BEEP* DUMB IT CAN GO *BEEP* DIE! YOU *BEEP* LITTLE *BEEEPPPPPPPPP*" Andrew was yelling after wasting 40 tickets on the game (10 tries)
"Yo Vic, get your potty mouth boyfriend out of here" Norton said sighing
"Andrew calm down please, let me try for once.." I whispered
"Here Norton let me try.."
" yeah sure, tickets please"
This is the last of my tickets so I better not lose, I handed him my tickets as he handed me the rings
"Alright bets please! This will be the last person for today!"
people were booing as they were placing all their tickets with at least 20 dollars a person
"no more bets please!" He yelled
"Alright this all depends on you" Norton said quietly giving me a smirk.
I threw the first ring and...
It went in?
I threw all of them at once and they all went in?
The whole crowd was cheering and clapping while Nortons jaw dropped
"Well uh I guess you have good luck" Norton said awkwardly
"Uhm...here pick a prize and here's your bet winning's" Norton placed a pile of money and tickets on the counter
"The dog."
"Huh?" Norton gave me a confused look
"Give.me.the.dog. I don't care about the money in fact I don't even want it."
"I'LL TAKE IT!" Andrew yelled and started pocketing the cash
"Oh the dog thats just for display I can't give it to you"
The crowd started booing
"GIVE HIM THE DOG!" They yelled
"Fine take the dumb dog." Norton kissed his teeth and handed me the dog
"Yay! Andrew look! Look!" I shoved the teddy in his face
"Heh it's cute Vic"
The loud speaker played throughout the manor
"Let's hang out for a while then we can head to the dance" Andrew said grabbing my hand

The Manor was now covered in scary decor and mist from smoke machine,
There were strobe lights on the ceiling while fake bats and blood were hanging down.
"Mike!" I jumped on Mike making him fall down
"Hey what about us!" Luca said jumping on top of us with Aesop,
We all started Laughing loudly
"Next song is 'Heads Will Roll!' So keep a hold of your heads!"
Naib yelled starting to play the next song, robbie and him were acting as the Dj's;
Robbie was just dancing though while Naib was doing all the work.
"Tag you're it!" Luca said tapping Aesop, we all started running
"Hey that's not fair!" Aesop yelled
"Mike Think fast!" I said pushed him to the floor, me and Luca started laughing at him as Aesop tagged him
"That's cheating!" Mike yelled running after us,
"Hey Vic!" Luca said tapping me
I gave him a hum in response
"You're it! Wall!"
I got confused at the last part but I soon realized what he meant after I ran into a wall
"Victor! I think we should stop for now!" Aesop ran towards me handing me a tissue,
My nose was bleeding a lot and wouldn't stop.
"Hold the bridge of your nose and look down" someone told me,
I did what they said and it worked!
"You should be more careful Mr.Grantz we don't want any injuries now, do we?"
Michiko scolded me as Joseph glared at me and I just stared at him.
Michiko looked at me then Joseph then back at me
"Your probably wondering why Joseph has been following me the entire day, aren't you?"
Well I kinda was so I nodded
"He made me ruin my bride costume and stain it with tea so Ms.Mary told him to be my bodyguard for the day as an apology."
"Oh ok..Thank you for helping me Ms.Michiko"  I said quietly
"No problem, Please be more careful next time though Mr.Grantz" and with that Michiko left
"She's so pretty" Luca said drinking some beverage
"Yeah..." Aesop agreed while fiddling with his hands
"Agreed" Mike said eating pocky
We all went silent
"Let's go hang out with the others"  I proposed to break the silence
We were hanging out with Mike,Aesop,Luca,Andrew,Norton, and Eli, Eli was complaining about how everyone was calling him an animal abuse because of his ability, I got really tired and rested my head on Nortons lap as he started brushing my hair with his hands. I closed my eyes as Andrew coughed loudly interrupting Eli,
"What is it?...Oh.." I heard Eli say.
Somebody started shaking me I guess it was Eli,
"Come on Andrew, he's probably really tired from all the activities" Norton said in a calm yet tired voice.
Suddenly I felt somebody pick me up in a bridal style immediately waking me up,
"A..Andrew what are you doing?" I said tiredly about to fall back asleep
"I'm going to bring him to his room so he can go to sleep, I'll be right back"
"Andrew.." I dug my head into his chest
"It's okay you can go to sleep" he whispered to me
"Andrew.. why are you bringing me to my room, I could have perfectly slept on Norton" I said quietly as he opened my room door,
I got no response from him as he put me on my bed and tucked me in
"I got jealous okay!?" He said putting his head in his hands,
He got up
"I'm going to go now, goodnight" Andrew placed a kiss on my forehead and started to leave when I tugged on his sleeve,
"Andrew please stay with me" I whispered
"Hm? Alright if you insist" he came underneath the sheets and cuddled me and placed another kiss on my forehead, I closed my eyes and heard him say
"I love you Vic, Happy Halloween.." Andrew whispered
"I love you too..." I whispered back.
And with that I fell into a deep slumber....
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I hope you are having a great today!
Well I'm going to go now! cya!
{words: 4208}

His feelings towards me {Identityv PostmanxGravekeeper/ AndrewxVictor}Where stories live. Discover now