A Late Night Adventure

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Arya sat on her twin-sized bed right next to the window. The light of the bright florescent moon filled up her room enough for her to read the book in her hand. "The Bhagavata Purana," a book that she has read over and over again. A story that was told to her every night by her grandmother. A story that was the starting to the most complicated tale, the great Mahabharata. Each story creating its own type of emotion, from betrayal to love. Moments of happiness to losing everything one once held. The greatest war fought between brothers, sons, and fathers.

Her eyelids start feeling heavy. Putting the book on the nightstand and removing her glasses, she slowly closes her eyes getting comfy under the blanket. As she got into her slumber, she heard someone calling her name. Immediately her eyes fluttered open; she feared there might be an intruder in the house. Without any other sound being heard, she decided that it might have just been her hallucinating from the lack of sleep. She closed her eyes again, attempting to fall into to dreamland, but again she heard someone calling her name.

" Arya... Arya... ARYA!" the voice whispered yelled, but she just pulled her blanket up, covering her eyes. Someone began tugging her blanket, pulling it off of her. Thinking it was her annoying little sister, she fluttered her eyes open with irritation.

" Naira, I swear to god!" she said, sitting up, but her eyes met with a stranger... A very familiar stranger. Arya opened her mouth to yell, but the stranger quickly put his hands over her mouth.

" Don't swear on me, dear." The soothing voice warned, pulling their head back and laughing.

" You're Kr-Kri-Krishna..." She said, stuttering with her eyes widened, ready to pop out.

" You should be worried like this when you see a demon. Not me!" He said, sitting next to her on the edge of her tiny bed.

" Why are you here? I am no one. I don't even pray to you." She inquired, to which Krishna just smiled.

"Arya, I am simply here to meet you." He replied, smiling simply with just eight-word, but those were not enough to answer all the doubts in her head.

Maybe  I am an incarnation of Parvathi or some form of a goddess, like in those Wattpad stories. Arya thought to herself.

" No," Krishna replied out loud.

"But you can read my mind like it is written in those stories?" She asked, hoping the first part was true too.

"Yes, but even Krishna has his limits," He explained, referring to himself.

"Arya, I do need your to help with a very important matter," Krishna spoke with his tone changing and face turning more serious.

" I need you to come with me to help me fix a few things." Krishna continued.

" But your god? You have the power to do anything!" Arya almost argues.

" It is not difficult for me to fix mistakes that occurred in the Dwapara Yuga (Time of the Krishna Avatar). However, my job is different in the world. They way people change, their karma, and their destiny are easily changeable by me. As the restorer of balance I cause the change not force the change. During Dwapara when Dharma needed to be restored I could have easily killed the Kauravas. Instead I lead the Pandavas to do it, because it is my duty to guide people to protect the world." He explained.

" But why me Krishna? I didn't even believe in god!" She questioned again.

" Oh boy! Don't you ask a lot of questions and argue a lot!" Krishna laughed remembering a special someone who would argues even more than her.

" Arya, you may not have believed in me, but you listened to me." He answered which she returned with a even more confused looking causing Krishna to sigh.

" You followed dharma! Whether you prayed to me or believed me or not you were still in the righteous path. You did what was right not regardless of everything. What is more important than believing me is following dharma and being a honest and good person. Which you are. " He replied hoping she would finally stop this game of 21 questions.

" Aren't there other people that follow dharma? What made you go into a different Yuga?

" How do your parents deal with you?" Krishna asked teasingly.

"Your Nakshatra (Birth Star)" He replied smiling as always.

" How does my Nakshatra relate to this?"

" Because your Nakshatra and Raashi are the same as mine Vrishab Raashi and Rohini Nakshram. Arya, there is another reason, but I can't tell you at this time. You aren't the reification of any gods or goddesses though." He teased again while Arya squinted at him. It was as if their bond was there before they even meet.

" Kanha, what if I mess everything up?" She asked with confusion evident on her face like always.

" I will guide you thought out the way. This Kanha never backs down on his promises" He said assuring her which she returned with a small smile.

" So you are not going to give me a run down of everything or tips?" She asked.

" Nope just close you eyes and listen to my voice." Krishna replied as she began reclining back into her bed.

" You are now leaving Kaliyuga and will come with me to the great time of the Mahabharatam..." She heard his voice say before she drifted off into her slumber.

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