Chapter 4: rogues rogues rogues

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cold: you guys are all here good

heatwave: what is this all about

Cold: it's about the new flash he will keep attacking us

piper: it's about damn time we get this guy

Cold: good let's get going then

soon the rogues made it there to keystone*

Cold: you know the plan weather wizard make it rain and thunder as well

Wizard change the clouds and the sky became dark and soon a tornado with lighting formed with rain*

Cold: ok keystone time for you to pack your things and head out the rogues are here now!

Flash: uhh aren't you and your friends supposed to be in central city

Heatwave: sorry speedy but you became a problem

Cold: and you're in our way

Flash: ugh fine let's make this quick

The flash takes their guns and knocks them down all of them except for weather wizard and cold*

Cold: mark! knock him far back

Weather wizard hits a lightning strike on flash pushes him back 15 blocks*

Cold: nice we got to round these people up to use as bait

Flash: oh no they're going to kill them

Cold: you got three Seconds flash to make it here 1

Flash runs fast as he could*

Cold: 2

Flash: come on!

Flash runs and run and run and then.... *

wally west the flash: a city in needWhere stories live. Discover now