Chapter 1

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It was a wretched winter evening in Dunland, and Nyrath, son of Nyr walked with jaded steps through the muddy streets of the city of Men where he and the remaining Dwarves of the devastated Kingdom under the Mountain now made their meagre living. Like many of the able-bodied males of his race, including those in the royal family, Nyrath worked in the forge, striking at his anvil from dawn to dusk, fashioning whatever tools the Men asked for. It was not the life that he had expected to have as a son to the commander of Erebor's Royal Guards, yet he had no choice but to take it and live it.

He had to admit that he felt slightly more fatigued than on previous evenings. Waking even earlier than usual to join King Thror in the making of battle plans for the retaking of Moria was beginning to take its toll, but he could have never been too tired to see Prince Thorin. And that night, after a few nights of absence, he planned to do just that.

Nyrath willed more briskness into his step and soon reached the small hall at the back of an inn where the Dwarf women had been allowed to set up a canteen to feed their people, in exchange for work around the kitchen. It was already late and there were few tables still occupied. Nyrath looked around until he caught glimpse of Princess Dis, Thorin's young and spirited sister, who had remained spirited in spite of everything that she had lost. She was also quite beautiful, especially when she smiled the way she did now as she welcomed Nyrath. It was a bright, mischievous smile that always made his heart feel lighter, even after a long day as the one that was just drawing to a close. He approached her, returning the smile in similar fashion. Her eyes of an amaranthine blue, very much like Thorin's, were an appeasing sight for his own, sore from the soggy dimness of what Men called a forge.

"My Lady," said Nyrath, bowing his head as he sat down at a table. "How are you tonight?"

"I am well, thank you," said Dis, placing a bowl of something a bit too clear in front of Nyrath, some bread, and a pint of ale. "I'm afraid it's not much tonight," she continued with a compassionate curl of her lips. "Thorin was never overly fond of food, but now it's impossible for me to imagine what he survives on. Clearly, it's something else," said Dis with only a slight arching of her eyebrows. She did not have to put a lot of effort into her tone or into the expression of her face for the teasing to be obvious.

Nyrath smirked subtly and tested the contents of his bowl with his spoon. "Must be," he replied, looking up at Dis and sustaining her gaze.

The playful spark in her eyes died down as she shifted on her feet and crossed her arms, sighing. "He was so very gloomy tonight," she said, her voice breaking, "I thought it would start to rain the moment he walked in here."

Nyrath smiled at her, taking a sip of his broth. It was not too bad. "He has a lot on his mind, and rightfully so," he said. "We're not doing very well here, and we go to war in a week. It would make anyone in his position gloomy." Dis nodded, seemingly seeing the sense behind his words. "Do you really have nothing that I can take up to his room?"

"I'll check the pantry," said Dis with a little wink and walked away.

Nyrath ate his dinner, admittedly a bit light for a Dwarf of his impressive stature. At least the ale was what he expected it to be, and he emptied his pint as Dis returned with a small bundle in her hands.

He stood up and she gave him the bundle. "It's a little bread and some cold meat that I managed to find," she said.

"It'll do," replied Nyrath with a reassuring smile. "Thank you for dinner, as always."

"I do what I can," she said, squeezing his arm. Then, the teasing sparkle returned in her eyes. "Have a good night."

Nyrath nodded in thanks, then bowed his head again for goodbye. He walked away, feeling revived even if he could not say that his meal had been particularly satisfying. He was still a little hungry, and still a bit worn out, but Dis's company had been as refreshing as always. She was the only one who knew about what he and Thorin shared in private, and he had to admit that it was comforting to be able to confide in someone, even if he had not much anxiety about it himself. But he knew all that troubled Thorin, and how deeply it went, and how much he needed something to take his mind off the pain that he carried with him constantly. Dis knew all that as well.

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