«prologue» mallory

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i looked.

i looked.

and i looked.

there was no sign of them.

they were missing.

they said they'd be here.

i was happy.

i was going to meet them.

but i can't see them.

* confused *

* worry *

i didn't get a response.

i sighed.

but that's okay.

i'll wait for them.

i'll wait for as long as my soul needs.

we weren't meant to meet now.

my mother called for me. the carriage couldn't wait much longer. i pulled up my skirt and climbed aboard. as the carriage started to move, my mother asked me if i saw him. i wanted to tell her that it could have been a girl too, but i kept my mouth shut.

"non, maman."

we weren't meant to meet now.

but I'll wait.

we will meet at some point.

╔═══*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═══╗

i will wait

╚═══*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═══╝

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