«epilogue» opal

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she looked at the man who was towering over her. she felt her heart pounding and she felt the emotions writhing inside her.

only problem.

she wasn't sure who's emotions they were.

she had a feeling that he thought the same.

╔═══*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═══╗

i've finally found you

╚═══*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═══╝

it wasn't her own thought. she knew it. it wasn't in her thinking voice. it was something else. something inside her clicked and she suddenly felt like everything was going to be alright. 

what was destined for centuries was finally happening.

neither of them had moved. their eyes were still locked onto each others.

"hello," she said softly. she could feel adoration and fondness but it wasn't her own.

"hey," the boy replied. he put his hand out. "i'm namjoon." she pushed his hand aside and wrapped her arms around him, inhaling deeply to stop herself from crying.

"i found you," she whispered. she knew he heard her. she felt it.

"i love you," he said, his hand on her head.

"i love you too," she sighed happily. "i've been waiting for years to say that to you." he chuckled, something low and loud that made his chest vibrate.

what a beautiful sound

* embarrassed *

"me too."

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