«prologue» dhriti

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my heart was pounding so hard i could feel it in my head.

as my little brother tugged my arm for me to move, i scanned the road where we were standing.

i could feel a pull somewhere.

my father seemed to understand what was happening. he took my brother from my arms.

"jao. daud. use khojon."

i gave him a quick smile before disappearing in the crowds, my father's words echoing in my mind.

go. run. find them.

it was my mantra.

it has been my whole life.

i pushed aside people, following where i felt to go. i didn't want to lose this. 

i have to find them.

i felt my breath suddenly cease. 

the tugging had stopped.

i looked up and saw a foreign man standing across the road, looking straight at me. his eyes widened and he took a step forward, his arm in the air.

is that you?





i smiled.

i saw the approaching headlights.

i called out a warning.

he didn't hear.

there was a sickening crunch.

the world around me spun.

there were yells for an ambulance. 

i already felt his missing soul. there was no use now.

not yet. you must wait.

i took a deep breath and stood up.

it must not have been time for us to meet. but that's alright.

i will wait for him again. i will wait in the next life, and the next, and the one after.

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i will wait as long as it takes until we are reunited

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