Chapter Two

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Extra extra long chapter for you guys today

*Crystals pov*

The gladers didn't trust us but they gave me a place that my mates and I could go to talk privately, so I quickly explained everything to Minho and Newt.

They surprisingly accepted it really well and I'm hoping that they'll go home with me after my magic has been completely restored.

The dimension hopping took a chunk of magic and I need a few days for it to be restored, thankfully I remember what's going to happen next in The Glade so I'm not too worried.

I was currently lying on my two new mates laps, with my head in Newts lap and my legs in Minho's. My other boys were taking a tour with Thomas as he's the only one I trust.

'So can you really take us out of this world?' Newt asked quietly as he stroked my hair.

Sighing in contentment, I nod my head and close my eyes in relaxation.

It's not long before I fall asleep.


*Third person pov*

The scientist watched as the girl fell asleep in two of the experiments laps, they couldn't hear a word they were saying despite them pushing all their resources into it.

'I want all resources to be spent on this girl, how did her and her 'mates' get into the box? How did she control the weather? I want to know how much of a threat she is to the experiment.' Ava Paige shouted out to her colleagues.

They all replied compliantly and poured everything they had into this side project.

'She doesn't exist here' A male scientist told Ava quietly.

'Here?' She questioned.

'We managed to tap into some of the conversation her 'mates' were having. The girl is a hybrid from another dimension, in her dimension witches vampires and werewolves are real.'

'How is that possible?' The lead female questioned to herself. ' Is there proof?'

The male scientist nodded quickly and showed her charts of a high energy surge in the box before it went up to the surface.

'We need to use her, get one of grievers to capture her alive and unharmed. What does she mean by mates?' Ava asked the scientist feverishly, excited by the idea of how they could manipulate this girls powers.

'It's seems they are soulmates and have marks like tattoos on their skin to represent it. The girl has six from her previous dimension and two from this one. It seems they were attacked by some witch ancestors from their previous dimension.' The low ranking scientist told her eagerly, hoping for a promotion.

'Good work, send the grivers and build a cell suited to mute the girls powers and a room that can contain them. I want to be able to control her'


*Crystals pov*

Minho went into the Maze today with Alby and I knew that this is the day where everything kicks off.

My mates and I are in the runners hut  memorising the sequence order for the code and I'm watching a metal beetle scuttle around on the ground.

'Do you think we can go home?' I ask them quietly, the ancestors won't ever leave me alone if we stay there but I can't cut my mates off from their friends and family.

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