•Chapter Two• Mysterious Italian...

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Kimberly's Pov -

The warm water soothed my muscles as it ran down my bare back, rubbing the vanilla shampoo into my scalp I began to regret drinking and dancing the night before work.

My hand shut off the water as I stepped out of the shower, wrapping the baby pink towel around my petite body. A content sigh left my lips as I rubbed the steam from the bathroom mirror, to see my chocolate brown eyes looking back at me.

Patting my body dry, I quickly applied lotion before pulling on my scrubs. Ever since I was a little girl, I always knew I wanted to help people. Sticking to that, medical school was the path for me after high school, where I worked my butt off and trained to be a surgeon. After six long hard years, now age twenty three, I'm a registered neurosurgeon, working in the Reenade hospital, here in sunny California.

After drying my long hair and pulling it back into a neat bun, I grabbed my belongings before rushing out of my apartment and down the elevator, as soon as I reached the ground floor I smiled at the receptionist who works in the lobby, before making my way outside. The smell of fresh blossom falling from the trees, instantly filled my nostrils.

Pulling into the hospitals parking lot, I strutted towards the entrance, being sure to send a smile to the familiar patients who where sitting outside.

"Good morning, Kimberly" a deep voice caught my attention, snapping my head in the direction I saw Derick, one of the doctors who also works here.

"How are you?" He was now walking beside me, down the busy hospitals corridor.

"I'm great thank you, you?" My soft voice called out, as we turned a corner.

"Not to bad..."

Before he could continue his sentence, my name was being called by Rebecca, my best friend and colleague in one, we met in the first year of medical school and instantly clicked, the rest is history! We where ecstatic when we found out we both would be working in the same hospital, along side each other.

My hand patted Derick's arm as an apology for not being able to speak any longer, before jogging over to Rebecca, she instantly pulled me into the staff room where I began to place my belongings into my locker. Amy, another close friend of mine, who also works alongside us was sat on one of the blue plastic chairs, sipping from her large mug of coffee.

"So turning down a hottie last night were we?" Amy teased making me roll my eyes and look over at Rebecca, who only shrugged.

"I had to tell her! You have to admit...he was hot, Kimmy" Rebecca beamed.

My mind whirled back to the random guy who came up to me last night in the Miro club, remembering how his hand that slightly dug into my shoulder sent a weird sensation down my spine. When my eyes met his emerald one's, I was almost knocked back at how intimidating they where...

"Even if he was hot, the rudeness that radiated off of him was ridiculous" I told them, while walking over to the coffee machine.

"Hm I agree, asking you to just go with him was a little strange, did you see the stares from other people to? It was almost like they where scared of him..." Rebecca explained, making me think back.

"Anyway girl's, notice anything different?" Amy stuck out her left hand, revealing a huge diamond ring on her third finger. A squeal left both mine and Rebecca's lips before we dived on her, pulling her into a huge hug.

Giggles erupted from her as we squeezed her to death, muttering a congratulations.

When we eventually got off her, I grabbed her small hand, examining the beautiful silver ring. "He did a good job" I told her, she instantly nodded.

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