•Chapter Four• 'Just a friend'...

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Kimberly's pov-

My mom has always told me, to live in the moment.

Whatever comes my way, whatever opportunity's this crazy world throws at me, if it feels right, then to do it. After all, you may not see the light tomorrow.

Maybe that's why I found myself, standing in the middle of the largest house I had ever been in. My head tilted back, looking up at the high white ceiling, a silver, sparkling chandelier hanging from it. Facing me was a long, ginormous stair case, twirling around in spirals, it could most likely pull of for a secret stair way to heaven, for they looked to go on forever.

"Y-you live here?" I turned to face the tall mysterious Italian, who's name I only found out an hour ago.

"Yes, I do" He simply replied, placing his hand on the small of my back. Fire seemed to crawl up my spine from his touch, my legs feeling weak as he led me down a long hallway.

"I have a team here, tell them you're with me and they will get to work...I will meet you back out here shortly" He instructed, giving me no time to reply as he gently pushed me into a room, the door closing behind me.

I let out a sigh, still facing the now closed wooden door. This man definitely does not ask anything.

What am I even doing here?

"I'm guessing you are my brother's date" A female voice startled me, causing me to quickly spin around.

I was taken back by her beauty, thick black curly locks and her round eyes, emerald just like Luca's. Her eyebrows where naturally arched, she had not one bit of makeup on, while wearing only a fluffy white robe, yet she still looked amazing.

This family has some good freaking genes.

"I wouldn't say his date, just a...friend accompanying him" I told her.

My eyes left her for a moment to look around the room. One corner was full of round mirrors and chairs, right by them was three huge suitcases opened up, full to the top with makeup and hair extensions. Opposite them was iron racks, filled with beautiful dresses, hats and coats. Shoes where on the other side of the room, hundreds of them, all stacked up in black box's.

Her giggle interrupted my gazing, my brown eyes looking back over at her. "I like you, your funny...and different" She stuck her hand out, "I'm Carina, the better looking sibling"

I shook her hand while stifling a laugh, "Kimberly. Um what do you mean by different?" I asked, watching her head tilt.

"Well, any woman would jump at the chance to be my brothers date, yet you only introduced yourself as a friend...that's very interesting to me. Anyhow come along, take a seat" she spun on her heel, her bare feet tapping along the shiny wooden floor.

"Your brother is very, well demanding...don't you think?" I stated, placing my butt on one of the leather seats.

"That's Luca for you, my father is the same...I guess it just comes with the role" she chuckled, handing me a robe just like the one she was wearing.

I didn't have time to ask her what she meant by that, because the door was being pushed open and two older women ushered in with hair brushes and curling wands in their hands...

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