•Chapter Seven• Scars...

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Kimberly's pov -

I couldn't tell you how many minutes it had been, but nothing but silence filled the room. Luca's eyes begging me for an answer, pain swirled around in those emerald orbs of his, this man needed love.

Slowly, my hand raised and landed on his cheek. I felt him stiffen under my finger tips, his eyes leaving mine. "If you want me to help you...you can't be afraid of affection, Luca" I whispered.

"How can I not be afraid of affection, when all my life I've never had it" His eyes stayed down, his arms still resting either side of me.

This man, who was full of power and a freaking gang leader, was opening up to me and I've never found something more attractive in my whole entire life. 

Shouldn't I be afraid?

He's murdered people, I don't even know if they where innocent or not...yet here I am with my hand resting on his warm cheek.

My eyes widened when they fell down his neck and then to the open gap in his blue shirt, a white line that seemed to look like a scar, was visible. Without thinking, my hands fiddled with the few buttons on his shirt, popping them open to reveal the top half of his toned chest, his skin glowing.

I could see the scar more now and my thumb was the first to trace it, followed by the rest of my fingers, scanning it like a map. My eyes snatched back to Luca's, watching as his eyes fluttered closed at the feeling of my fingers, moving in a circular motion across his smooth olive toned skin. The scar started from his collar bone and stopped just before his right nipple, it kind of had a silver shine to it.

My teeth bit down on my bottom lip as I saw the way he was reacting to my touch, his mouth was now parted slightly and his eyes where hooded, looking at me through his long dark eye lashes.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my heart pounding against my rib cage, almost like it was threatening to jump out.


Luca's Pov -

The feeling of Kimberly's finger tips tracing my scar felt foreign...yet so familiar at the same time.

The way her floral scent invaded my privacy and her big chocolate brown eyes gazed into mine, made me want to take her, right now against her door.

But I knew I couldn't.

Usually, I just fuck and chuck when it comes to a woman. But with her, it was different, her touch was delicate and soft and I just knew I was going to have to be patient with her.

And for some reason, I didn't mind that.

"What happened" She softly asked, indicating to the scar she was still tracing, ever so slowly.

"I was fifteen, the night of my first real fight. My papa had been training me for weeks leading up to it. One thing we weren't aware of, was that the guy I was beating the shit out of, had a knife..."

I watched her frown, her bottom lip popping back into place as she finally released it from her teeth, it was slightly swollen from how she was nervously chewing on it. This woman was so unaware of the effect she had over me, never in a million years would I take time out of my day to come see a woman at her home, to just talk.

My papa's famous words bounced around in my head... 'No emotion Luca, focus. Emotions bring distractions and that is not what we need'.

If this feeling I get when I'm around her, is the distraction my Papa has always told me to stay away from, then I think he's going to have to suck it up sometime soon.

Kimberly parted her lips to speak, but suddenly a loud knock on the door I had her pressed up against, vibrated through her apartment. The warmth from my body was snatched away as she dropped her hands from my chest, making me hesitantly step back.

She cleared her throat after watching me button back up my shirt, before she spun around and pulled open the tall door.

"Derick?" She muttered...


A Little note: Hello my darlings🤎I'm super busy at the moment so I won't be updating as regularly as I have been recently

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A Little note:
Hello my darlings🤎
I'm super busy at the moment so I won't be updating as regularly as I have been recently.
I will try my very best to get chapters out here and there.

I ❤️ u all.

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