The Notts

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"How were the gingers cherie?" Pansy said, hooking her arm through Hermione's.

"Insufferable ma amore." Hermione said as Pansy pressed a kiss to her temple.

The two walked side by side through the sun lit corridors having left Draco and Harry behind earlier since the two were having a heated discussion about Harry's latest book and Draco (being the supportive Harry Potter Stan he is) had many theories.

They were going to greet the arrivals for the reunion at the front of the hotel along side Ginny and Ron who were most likely going to make a scene at some point but the two Parkinsons didn't really care.

"Has Blaise said he was coming?" Hermione whispered into Pansy's ear as they entered the lobby, Ginny and Ron standing on the far side of the room glaring at the couple as they glided in.

"He was quite surprised I owned him and I received his howler a few minutes before you arrived but he's coming." Pansy said causing Hermione to laugh.

"What do you expect Cherie? He hasn't heard head nor tail of you in a very long time."

"If you too wouldn't mind we have some guests to greet." Ginny snapped snarkily at the pair.

"Indeed we do Ms Weasly now if you wouldn't mind moving out of the way, Ms Lovegood has arrived." Hermione said gliding easily past Ginny and Ron who stepped out of her way due to the confidence that emitted off her as her heels clicked towards Luna's car.

"Stay out of her way Weasly's, it's better like that. Especially you Ronald, I haven't forgiven you for the marks you left on my wife." Pansy growled as she gripped her wand.

"How dare you." Ron said keeping his voice down as Ginny gestured for him not to punch Pansy as his fist curled.

"You know it's true, and I see you eyeing her," Pansy said stepping closer to Ron so there eye's were glaring into each others, "Don't even think about it."

Just as Ron was about to make a retort another car pulled up just as Hermione and Luna had released each other from a hug.


"Nice to see you too Blaise." Pansy smirked pushing Ron out of her way as she walked towards one of her oldest friends.

Blaise embraced her quickly and Pansy nearly cried. She loved Hermione, Draco and Harry but a small part of her had always wished they had taken Blaise and Theo and Daphne and everyone else with them to France.

He was tall and his skin glowed with happiness as he reunited with his friend. His eye's were just as dark and soulful as she remembered although now they began to shine with tears he wouldn't dare shed, he was still a Slytherin after all.

"Pansy Parkinson, it's really you." He said with joy in his voice.

"Indeed it is Zabini." She replied with a smile that hurt her face.

"Your short."

"Your tall."

"Your FRENCH."

"Your still BRITISH."

"Your a RICH."

"Your GAY."

"HOW DID YOU KNOW." Blaise said in a mock horror.

"You have the Note family ring on your finger and Theo's standing behind you." Pansy said laughing as Theodore Nott hugged her.

"I'm afraid so, he's a Nott now." Theo said putting an arm around Blaise's waist as his husband rolled his eyes.

"What about you Pans, there's a ring on your finger?" Theo said as Blaise grabbed her hand just realising the large engagement ring on her finger.

"Pansy, why is there a lion on your finger?" Blaise said eyeing Pansy curiously.

"Maybe because I married a lion, or a lionne" Pansy said, overdoing the French accent considerably as her friends stared at her in shock.

"A Gryfindor" Blaise said.

"A FRENCH Gryfindor?" Theo said.

Pansy just smiled as Hermione finished talking to Luna and looked over at her wife and smiled. Pansy smiled back and blew a kiss to her wife as the boy's watched their movements with realisation spilling onto their faces.

"GRANGER." Blaise screamed as a smile covered his features.

"I was called?" Hermione said gliding up to her wife's side with a Slytherin worthy smirk.

Blaise and Theo studied the two girls as Pansy slipped her own hand around Hermione who fit her shape perfectly even in her 3 inch stilettos. Both groups were silent for a moment before Blaise and Theo both ran and hugged Hermione, Theo briefly spinning her around as she laughed.

"Welcome to the family Hermione." Blaise said once his husband but Hermione down.

"Yeah your an honorary Slytherin now." Theo said.

"And glad to be one." Hermione said her face still bright from the sudden burst of affection from her wife's friends. "But I think Draco has something surprising to show you as well."

"HEY NOTT, ZABINI GUESS WHAT." Draco said shouting at his friends as he exited the lobby with Harry standing next to him smiling up at Draco with amusement.

"oh my god." Blaise said, his face absolutely shocked.

"Not that surprised really." Theo said as he guided his husband to greet their friend giving Harry an interrogation as Pansy and Hermione laughed.

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