I hate the ocean

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The hotels sun beat down on the crystal pool unrelentingly but Pansy and Hermione were quite comfortable as they lay on two shaded pool seats under the swaying palm trees.

Hermione's nose was yet again buried deep into a book and Pansy lay with her dark sunglasses on and her chest raising steadily with calm breaths. Draco and Harry sat beside them in two other pool side seats, Draco was attempting to read over Harry's shoulder as he typed furiously into his key board.

But of course the peace had to be disturbed.

"HELLO EVERYONE." Ginny's voice came from the top of the pool.

Everyone at the reunion had been told to meet at the pool at 1pm that day and everyone had come around 1pm and taken seats around the pool. Some came and said hello to the two couples but most of them just enjoyed having some relaxation away from their jobs for once.

Ginny however hadn't showed up until 2:30pm. Much later than planned.

Ron bumbled in behind her and scanned the pool side for someone and his eyes fell on Hermione. He was completely star struck (for what must've been the 10th time on the past two days.)

Hermione was however quite a sight to behold, she wore a white and gold bikini from Pansy's summer line that fit her lightly tanned body incredibly well. It didn't show as much as most swim suits but Pansy had made it for her wife especially so it fit her body perfectly and almost made her glow in the sun.

Pansy smirked slightly once she saw the look on Rons face. This beautiful woman laying next to her on the pool seat was her wife, not his.

"Sorry for the slight delay but are we ready to get started with todays activity?" Ginny said clapping her hands together to get everyones attention.

A grumbling was heard from the people around the pool making Hermione laugh slightly, never removing her eyes from the book.

"Today we're going to go scuba diving!" Ginny said, "It's an activity muggles do a lot to see the underwater world up close."

Hermione's eyes flicked up from the book and she looked to Harry with bright eyes. The two loved the ocean like the sun loves the sky and when they were in France Draco and Pansy had to watch their significant others from the shore to make sure they didn't stay in the water so long that they became fish.

Pansy and Draco didn't like the water. They didn't mind it but the only people who could actually get them in the water for longer than two seconds would have to be Hermione and Harry.

Harry met Hermione's look with pure joy and the two began to pack their small bags, putting away their separate books and laptops.

"Are you coming?" Hermione asked Pansy who hadn't moved from her position on their shared seat.

"I think me and Draco should stay here, guard the pool." Pansy said looking up at Hermione with apologetic eyes.

"Ok" Hermione pouted as Pansy leant up and kissed her wife's fore head.

"Bye love." Draco said as he did the same to Harry who shared Hermione's pouty look.

Hermione and Harry lifted their bags and followed the retreating crowd and walked towards the beach with a spring in their step.

Pansy lowered her glasses and Draco laughed as he watched the two leave.

"They really love the ocean don't they?" Draco said with a fond look.

"The bloody ocean, all wet and infested with demonic creatures..." Pansy grumbled to Draco's amusement.

Pansy's eyes landed on two ginger siblings who had hung behind. Ron and Ginny were walking much slower than the group and had their eyes locked on Hermione Harry, eyes like predators. Pansy's eyes narrowed.

"We're going with them." Pansy said as she stood up.

"What!" Draco said, the idea of going in the ocean shaking him up.

Pansy pointed at the two gingers and watched Draco's own eyes narrow.

"Yep we're going." Draco said as he practically ran towards his husband.

Slytherins were loyal to those they love, even if it meant death for themselves and they were going to be damned if they weren't going to protect their true loves.

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