Greetings (filler chapter)

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A few other guests began to arrive shortly after Blaise and Theo pulled up. Hermione could feel Ron's eyes on her every move making her want to just run away and cry. That man, that terrible terrible man.

She continued on however, she had hosted events such as these many times before and thus she knew never to show any sign of weakness in the eyes of her guests. Many simply said a polite greeting before whispering among themselves.

"Is that Hermione Granger..."

"...she ran away..."

"...she looks good..."

" you hear her accent now!"

"...What's the Slytherins doing here..."

"...Hermione's going towards Pansy Parkinson..."

Hermione allowed her expression to falter as she stood by her wife who watched her with pity. She knew how much Hermione hated these types of things and she herself was not fond of it, but she was here to support her wife so she shall.

"I detest this." Hermione said as she rested a head on her wife's shoulder. They were just out fo sight from the many people reconnecting with old friends.

"Let's go inside how about that? Harry might be ready to let you edit his book." Pansys said laughing as Hermione's eyes glittered at the prospect.


Ginny's POV

It was later in the evening now and Ginny was standing outside of the restaurant waiting for the first arrivals for the formal dinner that night. Her hair was slightly messy, she had tried to cast a few spells on herself to make herself seem more... well like Hermione.

Then Hermione herself appeared at the top of the marble steps in front of the dining room. She wore an elegant emerald green silk jumpsuit and Pansy who walked by her side wore a similar outfit but instead of a jumpsuit it was a minidress from her own creation.

Ginny glared at the elegant women. They deserved none of this, nothing was going according to plan. She was supposed to be with Harry and Ron with Hermione, thats what was supposed to happen.

But now Harry was with Malfoy and Hermione was with Pansy. That needed to change if Ron and herself were going to fix this.

"Good evening Ginerva." Pansy said as she walked past the ginger and into the dining hall, heading straight for the veggie bar.

Hermione nodded at Ginny who scowled as she glided past

Ron showed up shortly after, his tattered dress robes far too small and far too frilly for his grown body. He smelled slightly of alcohol making Ginny wrinkle her nose as he stood beside her, he obviously hadn't brushed his teeth in a while.

"Hey Gin, is 'mione here." He said looking down the hallway for the brunette girl.

"In there, with Pugface." Ginny said a distasteful look on her face. Before Ron could say anything two men began to walk down the stairs towards them. On with platinum blonde hair and the other with untameable brunette hair and little round glasses.

"Hey mate." Ron said, fake cheeriness on his face as he called towards Harry. Draco looked as if he was about to say something but one look from Harry told him to hold is tongue. He looked at Ron and nodded before walking in sync with his husband towards their friends.

"Prick." Ron muttered before following after them into the dining hall. Ginny was bored waiting there and chose to go after Ron. Perhaps she would get a chance to talk to Harry, remind him of his mistake and bring him back to her.

After all, it was just the first day back.

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